Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the gonadal tissue in men. Pathology is most common in several age categories: 10, 20-40, over 60 years. Testicular cancer is a rather aggressive disease.
X-ray diagnostics - advantages of the procedure
Causes of cholecystitis. Signs of an attack of cholecystitis in women and men. Forms of the disease. Diet for cholecystitis, drug treatment.
How to treat fatty liver hepatosis - recommendations of leading experts. The main signs of hepatosis of pregnant women. Features of the diet, preventive measures, prognosis of the disease
While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.
Causes of the formation of polyps in the uterus. Clinical symptoms, possible consequences. Diagnostic methods. How to treat uterine polyps. Laser treatment.
Lymphogranulomatosis is a malignant disease manifested by hyperplasia of cells of the lymphoreticular system. It is characterized by primary generalization (prevalence throughout the body) and the systemic nature of the process
What to do if a child swallows a foreign body - the actions of parents
The term "throat cancer" most often refers to primary cancer of the larynx. Despite its relatively low incidence (about 3% of all oncological diseases), it accounts for 50-60% in the structure of malignant neoplasms of the ENT organs.
Causes and symptoms of arterial hypertension, treatment, prevention
While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.
Causes, signs and treatment of ingrown nail An ingrown nail is a pathology in which the nail plate has grown into the nail roller (into its lateral edge). The disease is not critical, but only a surgeon can remove the ingrown nail plate. Most often, the pathology develops on the nail plate of
Incision and paracentesis of the tympanic membrane. Indications and consequences The ear is an extremely delicate organ. The level of hearing depends on the condition of its elements. Clinical situations may arise when a puncture or incision is required in the ear. Myringotomy is a small incision
Irritation of the skin, which occurs in the absence of controllability of the processes of sweating, in medicine is called prickly heat.
Is it possible to remove atheroma of the scalp with a laser. Methods for diagnosing pathology. How to treat atheroma of the eyelid in a child - advice from a practicing physician.
Causes of Heart Murmurs in Children and Adults - Information for Patients
How does a hip fracture manifest in old age? Therapeutic treatment, surgical intervention. Rehabilitation after a hip fracture in old age, doctors' forecasts.