Articles on psychiatry

In the World of Unique Children
In the World of Unique Children

Why are children with autism called special? What do they do differently than other children? How do they live and what do they feel? Through stories shared by a doctor, we can get a glimpse into the world of these extraordinary children, where everything is different. Stanislava Haponova, a pediatr

Special Children - A Special World
Special Children - A Special World

What are children with autism like? What do they feel, how do they perceive others, why is it difficult for them to live in the world we are used to? The story of Olga Palahniuk, speech and language therapist at the Dobrobut Medical Network, will not leave anyone indifferent. Every word of the docto

Keto diet: new in the treatment of severe epilepsy in children
Keto diet: new in the treatment of severe epilepsy in children

A certain diet can reduce the frequency of epilepsy seizures. A keto diet (ketogenic diet) is a diet that contains a high amount of fat, while protein content is limited and carbohydrate content is relatively low. With such a diet, which is calculated individually for each patient, the body is

Don't give up, you can always help your child!
Don't give up, you can always help your child!

Antonina Lobodyuk, a pediatrician at the Dobrobut Medical Network, explained why it is necessary to start working with specialists as early as possible. One of the mistakes parents make When a mother notices that her child behaves differently from other children, she starts looking for informa

Energy drinks: the flip side of the "energy cocktail"
Energy drinks: the flip side of the "energy cocktail"

Energy drinks were invented relatively recently, although the invigorating effects of the substances they contain have been known since ancient times. Since the invention of energy tonics, they have seemed like a panacea during work deadlines, student exams, and sports training. It seemed that a sou

Autism is not a sentence: a personal story of a mother and a doctor
Autism is not a sentence: a personal story of a mother and a doctor

The diagnosis that parents face over time was made years ago for the child of one of the employees of the Medical Network "Dobrobut." Iryna Levytska, the operational director of the "Tatarska" and "Obolon-1" network units, candidly shares what she had to go through.

Causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Treatment of impotence of different types
Causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Treatment of impotence of different types

Causes and treatment of impotence in men Impotence in men is a pathology based on erectile dysfunction. This means that the penis cannot get an erection for some reason. Treatment of impotence in men is a difficult, lengthy process, which begins with finding out the cause of the development of su

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