Articles on vascular surgery

Behind the Surgeon's Mask
Behind the Surgeon's Mask

He’s an ordinary person in the crowd. No halo, no medals. Rushing to work. To a place where a unique kind of magic happens every day, because, like a wizard, he restores people’s mobility in just a few hours. Yes, those people in that crowd, who sometimes suddenly feel pain and find it i

Surgeon's Ordinary Breakfast at 4:00 PM
Surgeon's Ordinary Breakfast at 4:00 PM

Volodymyrovych, urgent! The on-duty doctor is calling… His mornings don’t start with coffee. The black nights are divided by the white coat of the medical day. In his nearly 20 years of experience, surgeon Maksym Shcherbyna has gotten used to juggling sleep and pushing aside tho

What is stenting?
What is stenting?

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Myths about varicose veins. Myth 3: varicose veins can only be treated surgically
Myths about varicose veins. Myth 3: varicose veins can only be treated surgically

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Tips on how to survive the heat without harming your health
Tips on how to survive the heat without harming your health

How to survive the heat without harming your health Summer heat is harmful to health, as even a short-term exposure to the scorching sun can lead to dizziness, nausea, and a sharp increase in blood pressure and intracranial pressure, even in a healthy person. How can those with cardiovascular pro

Causes of development, manifestations and treatment of pulmonary embolism
Causes of development, manifestations and treatment of pulmonary embolism

Causes, symptoms and treatment of pulmonary embolism Thromboembolism is a pathological condition that develops as a result of blockage of the vessel lumen by a blood clot. If this happens in the lungs, blood stops flowing to a separate part of the pulmonary artery, which subsequently leads to the

Causes and symptoms of angina pectoris. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Causes and symptoms of angina pectoris. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Causes and symptoms of angina pectoris. Treatment and prevention Angina is an unpleasant painful sensation in the projection of the heart or behind the sternum. Why such a pathology appears, what to do and what not to do during an angina attack, what help is available - you should know about this

Lerich syndrome - treatment with therapeutic and surgical methods
Lerich syndrome - treatment with therapeutic and surgical methods

Leriche syndrome. Treatment. Leriche syndrome is a blood flow disorder in the lower extremities that occurs with severe narrowing or complete blockage of the abdominal aorta at the site of its bifurcation into the iliac arteries. Until recently, the pathology was most often diagnosed in men aged

The last century or why a patient should not undergo a conventional operation for varicose veins
The last century or why a patient should not undergo a conventional operation for varicose veins

Venectomy (phlebectomy) - about the shortcomings of old methods of dealing with varicose veins and alternative ways to get rid of problems with the blood vessels of the lower extremities

Myths about varicose veins. Myth 4: varicose veins can only be cured with injections
Myths about varicose veins. Myth 4: varicose veins can only be cured with injections

Sclerotherapy: indications, method of the procedure. Microsclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, echo sclerotherapy and other types. Frequently asked questions about the procedure are answered by surgeon-phlebologist Gerasimov V.V.

How we treat a patient with varicose veins at Dobrobut Medical Center
How we treat a patient with varicose veins at Dobrobut Medical Center

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Venous thromboembolic complications
Venous thromboembolic complications

Venous thromboembolic complications (VTC) is a term that combines three acute vascular pathologies characterized by blood clots. These conditions include acute thrombophlebitis or varicothrombophlebitis (AF or VTC), deep vein thrombosis or acute venous thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolism (PE).

Myths about varicose veins. Myth 2: you can live with varicose veins all your life
Myths about varicose veins. Myth 2: you can live with varicose veins all your life

Once appeared, varicose veins never disappear on their own, they only increase over time. At the same time, complaints intensify, venous circulation disorders progress unnoticed by the patient, leading to the development of complications.

Myths about varicose veins. Myth 1: It will go away
Myths about varicose veins. Myth 1: It will go away

Many people know about varicose veins. Let's look at the most common myths of patients about varicose veins that prevent them from seeking help from a specialist in time.

Flebologiceskaa skazka
Flebologiceskaa skazka

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What effect do hormones have on varicose veins?
What effect do hormones have on varicose veins?

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Varicose veins during pregnancy. Phlebologist's recommendations for pregnant women
Varicose veins during pregnancy. Phlebologist's recommendations for pregnant women

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Features of performing standard operations for varicose veins
Features of performing standard operations for varicose veins

How is a classic venectomy performed, what sparing options for a standard operation in the treatment of varicose diseases exist in our time. How is the postoperative period

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