InformationDoctorsServices13 clinics

Oftalmology clinic

At Dobrobut Ophthalmology Center, care for your eye health is thought out to the smallest detail. Modern equipment is selected with attention to every detail. We care about your comfort and convenient work of doctors.

A team of experienced ophthalmologists helps patients with cataracts, retinal detachment, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and eye injuries.

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Directions Ophthalmology:

Clinics providing service:

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Oftalmology clinic

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Physicians who provide referral services Ophthalmology:

37experience (y.)
Serhiienko Andrii Mykolaiovych
Serhiienko Andrii Mykolaiovych
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist
22experience (y.)
Serhiienko Viktoriia Valeriivna
Serhiienko Viktoriia Valeriivna
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist
6experience (y.)
Shynkaryk Mariia Petrivna
Shynkaryk Mariia Petrivna
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist
30experience (y.)
Tiazhka Nataliia Petrivna
Tiazhka Nataliia Petrivna
Ophthalmologist; Refractive surgeon
10experience (y.)
Ivniev Bohdan Borysovych
Ivniev Bohdan Borysovych
Ophthalmic surgeon, Laser surgeon
5experience (y.)
Atamanchuk Maryna Vasylivna
Atamanchuk Maryna Vasylivna
5experience (y.)
Berezhna Yelyzaveta Anatoliivna
Berezhna Yelyzaveta Anatoliivna
6experience (y.)
Dubova Viktoriia Viktorivna
Dubova Viktoriia Viktorivna
Ophthalmologist; Pediatric ophthalmologist
18experience (y.)
Marchenko Mariana Yuriivna
Marchenko Mariana Yuriivna
25experience (y.)
Romanovska Liubov Heorhiivna
Romanovska Liubov Heorhiivna
Pediatric ophthalmologist
26experience (y.)
Subbotina Viktoriia Romanivna
Subbotina Viktoriia Romanivna
Laser surgeon, retinologist, ophthalmologist
9experience (y.)
Bobyl Iryna Anatoliivna
Bobyl Iryna Anatoliivna
Ophthalmologist; Pediatric ophthalmologist
37experience (y.)
Ivanov Oleksii Viktorovych
Ivanov Oleksii Viktorovych
Pediatric ophthalmologist; Ophthalmologist
29experience (y.)
Kapytsiak Nataliia Myroslavivna
Kapytsiak Nataliia Myroslavivna
Ophthalmologist; Pediatric ophthalmologist
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Ophthalmology, Service prices:

  • Pediatric ophthalmologist consultation
    1530 uah
  • Consultation by ophthalmologist with the estimation of ophthalmotonous pressure and autorefractometry
    1530 uah
  • Pediatric consultation by ophthalmologist, expert of the sector in the clinic
    1970 uah
  • Comprehensive ophthalmological examination
    2700 uah
  • Extended Preoperative Ophthalmological Package
    3090 uah
  • Neuro-ophthalmologist Consultation
    1970 uah
  • Complex ophthalmological examination (refractive extended)
    2750 uah
  • Ophthalmologist, refractive surgeon for adults consultation
    1430 uah

We offer high-quality diagnostics and treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Experienced ophthalmologists work according to international guidelines and use advanced treatment methods - from therapeutic and hardware to surgical and laser interventions. We do our best to preserve your vision.

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Oftalmology clinic

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Ophthalmology, Services:

  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is an innovative imaging technique that allows ophthalmologists to obtain high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retina and other eye structures.
  • A chalazion is a common eyelid issue characterized by the formation of a painless, benign lump caused by the blockage of a meibomian gland that produces an oily secretion
  • Amblyopia, known as "lazy eye," is a condition that primarily affects vision in one eye, leading to reduced visual sensitivity.
  • Strabismus, also known as "wandering eye," is a condition where the eyes do not align when focusing on an object, disrupting binocular vision. It directly affects depth perception and clarity of vision and can lead to complications if left untreated.
  • StreamLight laser vision correction is an innovative non-contact technique that allows you to safely and accurately correct vision defects. The procedure minimizes trauma and ensures a quick recovery, ideal for patients with thin corneas.
  • LASIK laser vision correction is a popular and effective way to improve your vision, providing high precision and stable results. It is an ideal solution for those who want to get rid of glasses or lenses.
  • Laser vision correction by LASEK is a safe and effective technique that allows correcting vision in patients with thin corneas and provides high accuracy and stable results.
  • A comprehensive refractive ophthalmologic examination is a complete vision diagnosis that allows you to accurately determine refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism) and eye condition. As a result, the patient receives a clear picture of their vision and individual recommendations on the best methods of correction or treatment.
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist and refractive surgeon for adults is a comprehensive assessment of the state of vision, including diagnosis of refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism) and discussion of possible options for vision correction, such as laser correction or lens implantation. The doctor selects an individualized treatment plan based on your needs.
  • This is a reconstructive ophthalmic surgery that combines the simultaneous removal of the eyeball and implantation of an intraocular prosthesis. At the same time, the oculomotor muscles and tissues of the eye are preserved, which allows restoring the natural appearance. This procedure provides a satisfactory aesthetic result and implant mobility. The intervention is performed under general anesthesia.
Licenses, Certificates, Accreditations

MN «Dobrobut»

Лицензия «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Лицензия «Добробут-Стационар»
Лицензия «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Лицензия «Добробут-Патронаж»
Сертификат «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»