Гарний лікар
Center is located in a modern 4-storey building at st. Kievskaya, 221-B.
The structure of the Dobrobut-Brovary center includes:
Dobrobut is a private clinic with the best technologies in Ukraine and highly qualified specialists. It is a medicine that is always open to people who seek help.
Our goal is to keep our patients healthy and to make their families happy.
A feature of the clinic's work is the practice of creating multidisciplinary teams of specialists capable of comprehensively assessing complex medical situations.
Our goal is to take care, to be there when it’s necessary, to protect against diseases and teach people how to prevent, to heal when it’s necessary, to inspire the development and choice of a healthy and full of positive emotions life.
Our doctors offer high quality treatment and prevention of diseases, surround each patient with care and attention, make sure that both adult patients and children feel as comfortable as possible.
Dytinologist. Our specialists treat the child in a comprehensive manner, providing professional assistance. The examination takes place with minimal stress and fear for the child and its parents. Dytinologists of "Dobrobut" MN are experts in the peculiarities and subtleties of children's health.
Medical specialists for the adult population. The Dobrobut-Brovary medical center welcomes doctors of the highest and first categories, doctors and candidates of medical sciences with extensive practical experience and high theoretical training.
Department of vertebrology and rehabilitation treatment
The specialists of the department have in their arsenal the most modern medical and rehabilitation equipment, author's methods of correction of the spine and joints, professional massage, have osteopathic treatment, visceral injection and other techniques and provide services for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
In the life of every person, a situation may arise when it is necessary to receive medical services without leaving home.
The clinic is equipped with the latest equipment for the disease’s treatment and diagnosis (MRI, MSCT, ultrasound, X-ray, ECG, ECHO СG, a wide range of laboratory tests, including express tests, etc.).
Dobrobut's medical practice is based entirely on the recommendations of evidence-based medicine within the current standards, the use of clinical protocols and the formulary of medicines.
The clinic uses a modern Toshiba Astelion computed tomography, which allows examining all human organs and systems.
The scanner has a 72 cm diameter gantry aperture and a 20 cm detector width. It’s possible to scan with a slice thickness of 0.5 mm, which makes it easy to see the smallest anatomical details. Thanks to the use of its special processing algorithms, the image has a high contrast, which is most important for examinations with increased amplification. One of the areas of work of Toshiba/Canon is to reduce the dose of ionizing radiation during diagnostic procedures. On this tomography, the dose during the examination is minimal, especially when using pediatric protocols, because the slightest dose of radiation to a child with a good diagnostic image is a world trend.
The Toshiba Vantage Elan magnetic resonance imaging machine allows MRI of almost all organs and systems, with the exception of the heart.
In this MR system, low noise level is combined with patient comfort due to a wide table, flexible body coils that securely fix the examined area and provide high image quality, while minimizing discomfort for a patient.
It is possible to perform MRI examination of the brain, non-contrast angiography of the main arteries of the brain, examination of the neck, chest, abdominal cavity, male and female pelvis, all joints, all parts of the spine with high resolution, the scanning time of one area is 15-40 minutes. The contrast agent used for MRI further increases the information content of the examination, while it is safe for a person from the first days of life, does not contain iodine, and is not contraindicated for patients with diabetes mellitus. It is also possible to conduct studies even on patients with metal implants and fragments in the body, provided that these foreign elements are in the body for a certain period of time and are not located directly in the scanning area (for example, if you need to do an MRI of the head, and there is a plate in the leg or arm, then do research is possible).
We take a comprehensive approach to your health, pay a lot of attention to a healthy lifestyle, and treat so that you get sick less often.
We prioritize prevention and know how to cure if needed.
We create a friendly and positive atmosphere in which our patients feel as calm, confident and comfortable as possible.
You can make an appointment with a doctor, as well as find out the cost of services and research prices, on the clinic's website or by calling the call-center.
Make an appointment
“Dobrobut” Medical Center for the whole family in Brovary
Гарний лікар
Чудовий лікар, прекрасна людина, подобається, що не просто слухає, а і чує пацієнта.
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MN «Dobrobut»