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Rabies: an invisible deadly enemy
Rabies: an invisible deadly enemy

Rabies is a viral, extremely dangerous disease that primarily affects the brain and its membranes and always ends in death after the first symptoms appear. But humanity has ways to prevent the development of the disease, even if the virus has already entered the body. How can you get infected?

Rabies: first aid after a bite
Rabies: first aid after a bite

First aid Rinse the wound abundantly with soap and water for 10-15 minutes. This is extremely important to wash away saliva and the virus it contains. If there is no soap in the immediate vicinity, rinse with water. If you get to water even after several hours, you should still rinse the w

Rabies Prevention
Rabies Prevention

The main element in preventing the spread of rabies among animals is their vaccination. Yes, the vaccine does not protect each individual animal 100%. But vaccinating more than 70% of dogs interrupts the transmission of rabies among them. And they, as you remember, are the main source of rabies for

Preventive vaccination against rabies: is it possible? Or maybe even necessary?
Preventive vaccination against rabies: is it possible? Or maybe even necessary?

Rabies, as you know, is a dangerous disease that can be prevented through vaccination. People who are in constant contact with animals that could potentially carry the rabies virus can and even should receive preventive vaccination

What is the danger of dizziness: causes, consequences and treatment
What is the danger of dizziness: causes, consequences and treatment

Dizziness is a sensation of movement that is not really there. It is usually difficult to describe in words, and people use a variety of comparisons to tell their doctor what they are really feeling. For some it's “helicopters”, for others it's “the deck of a ship” or

What is Arthroscopy and When is it Needed

Arthroscopy is an advanced universal method and minimally invasive surgical intervention performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The essence of arthroscopy lies in using a special device—an arthroscope—which allows the orthopedic doctor to access the joint directly. This is ac

Motion sickness or seasickness
Motion sickness or seasickness

Many people experience motion sickness while traveling on a yacht, ship, or in land transport. Sometimes these unpleasant symptoms persist throughout the journey, preventing one from enjoying their trip. If you struggle with motion sickness, the following recommendations from neurologist of the high

Parents Need Support Too
Parents Need Support Too

The advice and examples from this psychologist will help many parents feel empowered and understand the importance of not forgetting their own lives. After all, children with special needs are not a life sentence but a story that can unfold differently. How to help them was shared by Nadiya Viktoriv

Fractures Won't Scare Us! Assisting Children in Cases of Injury
Fractures Won't Scare Us! Assisting Children in Cases of Injury

During the summer holidays, the number of cases of childhood injuries noticeably increases. Children play in playgrounds, and every year, in addition to the usual rollerblades, skateboards, and bicycles, more and more injury-prone means of quick transportation are added: tricycles, scooters, hoverbo

Food that Preserves Energy
Food that Preserves Energy

According to Chinese wisdom, paying careful attention to your health during the harsh winter days will allow you to stay healthy throughout the year. Proper nutrition is one of the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, so food during the cold season takes on special significance. An essential aspe

Vaccination: The Most Effective Means of Protection against the Flu for Children and Adults
Vaccination: The Most Effective Means of Protection against the Flu for Children and Adults

Dear Visitors, Every year in Ukraine, there is a significant increase in flu cases during the autumn-winter season. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine emphasizes the importance of taking preventive measures to avoid contracting the flu and knowing what to do in case of illness. How can you catc

Are All Fruits Safe for Children with Allergies in the Summer
Are All Fruits Safe for Children with Allergies in the Summer

Summer delights us with a wide variety of fruits and berries, rich in vitamins and minerals, which are beneficial for a growing body. But are all of them equally safe for children with allergies? First of all, it’s better to consume seasonal fruits and berries. If they are grown in artifici

Introduction of Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries into a Child's Diet
Introduction of Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries into a Child's Diet

Summer is the season of vibrant berries and fruits, vegetables and fruits that you may want to introduce to your baby. However, a pressing question during this time is: when should you start introducing vegetables and fruits, how, and in what quantities to ensure it doesn’t harm the child'

Doctor's Spiral of Time
Doctor's Spiral of Time

"Medicine is unappealing when you grow up in a family of doctors," she says. From the outside, it seems like solemn white coats, noble life-saving impulses, and flowers of gratitude, but for those children of medical dynasties, it often means that mom or dad is never home. However, Yuli

A Second Before...
A Second Before...

...behind the surgeon’s mask. Surgeons are used to talking about diagnoses and patients, and we are used to hearing about them purely from a professional standpoint. Surgeons rarely speak about themselves. They don’t talk about the exhaustion from the burden of responsibility or the p

Behind the Surgeon's Mask
Behind the Surgeon's Mask

He’s an ordinary person in the crowd. No halo, no medals. Rushing to work. To a place where a unique kind of magic happens every day, because, like a wizard, he restores people’s mobility in just a few hours. Yes, those people in that crowd, who sometimes suddenly feel pain and find it i

The Story of Friendship Between a Grown-up and a Little Human
The Story of Friendship Between a Grown-up and a Little Human

"We're going to see cool Max! He's some kind of doctor…" This morning, Rostik tells his toy dragon Olo about his visit to the doctor. Last time, mom didn’t lie: Max wasn’t as scary as Aunt Tamara from the big, cold clinic... She stabs your finger painfully wit

In the World of Unique Children
In the World of Unique Children

Why are children with autism called special? What do they do differently than other children? How do they live and what do they feel? Through stories shared by a doctor, we can get a glimpse into the world of these extraordinary children, where everything is different. Stanislava Haponova, a pediatr

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