Articles on gastroenterology

Food that Preserves Energy
Food that Preserves Energy

According to Chinese wisdom, paying careful attention to your health during the harsh winter days will allow you to stay healthy throughout the year. Proper nutrition is one of the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, so food during the cold season takes on special significance. An essential aspe

Introduction of Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries into a Child's Diet
Introduction of Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries into a Child's Diet

Summer is the season of vibrant berries and fruits, vegetables and fruits that you may want to introduce to your baby. However, a pressing question during this time is: when should you start introducing vegetables and fruits, how, and in what quantities to ensure it doesn’t harm the child'

First Summer Berries and Fruits: 5 Essential Rules of Consumption
First Summer Berries and Fruits: 5 Essential Rules of Consumption

It's only May, and the markets and supermarkets are already selling the first berries: strawberries and cherries. However, the first summer berries and fruits can be dangerous for your body if you do not follow the safety rules that Oksana Ivanova, a gastroenterologist of the highest category at

Special Children - A Special World
Special Children - A Special World

What are children with autism like? What do they feel, how do they perceive others, why is it difficult for them to live in the world we are used to? The story of Olga Palahniuk, speech and language therapist at the Dobrobut Medical Network, will not leave anyone indifferent. Every word of the docto

Urticaria: types, causes and treatment
Urticaria: types, causes and treatment

If you have red blisters on your body that look like a nettle burn, you are dealing with a dermatological disease called urticaria. To treat this disease, a doctor must identify the cause and determine the type. Dermatologist Tetiana Selivanova tells about the types, causes and treatment. Urticar

How to make a vacation with a child pleasant and safe: pediatrician's recommendations
How to make a vacation with a child pleasant and safe: pediatrician's recommendations

A child of any age can take a trip with you if you take the necessary precautions. Thanks to the recommendations of Natalia Sidelnikova, a pediatrician at Dobrobut Medical Center, your vacation will be useful and safe for your child and comfortable for his or her parents. Take responsibility for

Energy drinks: the flip side of the "energy cocktail"
Energy drinks: the flip side of the "energy cocktail"

Energy drinks were invented relatively recently, although the invigorating effects of the substances they contain have been known since ancient times. Since the invention of energy tonics, they have seemed like a panacea during work deadlines, student exams, and sports training. It seemed that a sou

Main symptoms of rotavirus enteritis - information for patients
Main symptoms of rotavirus enteritis - information for patients

Chronic enteritis in adults - clinical symptoms, treatment Enteritis is an inflammation (acute or chronic) of the small intestinal mucosa, which is accompanied by dystrophic changes in the mucosa and impaired organ function. Signs of acute enteritis in children include loose stools, nausea, rumbl

Main symptoms, classification and methods of fistula treatment
Main symptoms, classification and methods of fistula treatment

Causes, forms and treatment of fistula A canal connecting an organ to the body surface or two cavities to each other is called a fistula. The main cause of its occurrence is a pathological process in the body. A fistula can also develop as a complication after surgery. Treatment of fistula is onl

Causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Treatment of impotence of different types
Causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Treatment of impotence of different types

Causes and treatment of impotence in men Impotence in men is a pathology based on erectile dysfunction. This means that the penis cannot get an erection for some reason. Treatment of impotence in men is a difficult, lengthy process, which begins with finding out the cause of the development of su

Spilled peritonitis in adults: clinical manifestations and diagnosis
Spilled peritonitis in adults: clinical manifestations and diagnosis

Main symptoms of abdominal peritonitis Peritonitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the abdominal cavity. The disease can be aseptic or bacterial. Symptoms of abdominal peritonitis are divided into general and local. The former include abdominal muscle tension, pain and symptoms of per

Signs and treatment of dolichoccolon in adults and children, prevention
Signs and treatment of dolichoccolon in adults and children, prevention

Signs and treatment of dolichocolon in adults and children What is intestinal dolichocolon? This is a pathological condition in which one or more sections of the large intestine are elongated. The disease occurs in adults and children and is characterized by impaired evacuation function. Sympt

Inguinal hernia. Causes, methods of elimination, treatment of inguinal hernia without surgery
Inguinal hernia. Causes, methods of elimination, treatment of inguinal hernia without surgery

Inguinal hernia An inguinal hernia is a pathological process during which the internal organs of the abdominal cavity protrude together with the surrounding peritoneal (lining the abdominal cavity) sheet into the inguinal canal. In turn, the inguinal canal is a cavity located in the thickness of

Prevention and treatment of acute pancreatitis: information for patients
Prevention and treatment of acute pancreatitis: information for patients

What to do in case of an attack of acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation of the pancreas accompanied by girdling pain in the upper abdomen. The disease is based on partial or complete necrosis of the organ. Emergency care for pancreatitis should begin with the treatment o

Laparoscopic distal resection of the pancreas
Laparoscopic distal resection of the pancreas

Pancreatic cancer - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment Pancreatic cancer is an oncological disease that is difficult to diagnose at an early stage. According to statistics, men get sick more often. Like most tumors, pancreatic cancer affects mainly elderly people, which is associated with a decrease

How tissue biopsy is performed, what are the goals of this study
How tissue biopsy is performed, what are the goals of this study

Biopsy A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure that involves the lifetime collection of samples of cells or tissues of the body for the purpose of their further microscopy (cytological and histological examination). Interpretation of biopsy results is the task of a specialist with appropriate qualific

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