Somnocheck micro Cardio sleep monitoring is the screening procedure that allows reading, recording and assessing bioelectric signals of a person while sleeping.
Pulmonary function testing (PFT) using spirometry is one of the primary methods for diagnosing respiratory system diseases. In the "Dobrobut" medical network in Kyiv, this method allows for the assessment of lung function, identification of possible deviations, and determination of their causes to initiate timely treatment.
Heart diseases are increasingly occurring in young people, therefore, preventive check-ups by a cardiologist should be done by everyone, regardless of age.
Ear, throat and nose are the organs that are the first to encounter infections entering the human body, and are often the first to experience the negative influence of viruses, bacteria, environmental and other factors.
GastroenterologyDermatologyCardiologyOtorhinolaryngologyBreast cancer TreatmentsMassageOphthalmologyOncologyОrthopedicsPediatricsPsychologyTherapyMedical ultrasoundUrologySurgeryEndocrinologyDiagnosticianTraumatologyFamily Medicine
Only at home
If a family doctor or a pediatric physician has recommended a consultation by a subject matter expert, and you have no possibility to visit a medical facility, you can request a house call by a subject matter expert in Dobrobut clinic chain.
A woman’s health requires close attention at all stages of life. Timely visits of a doctor and preventive examinations are the main conditions in order to prevent problems or identify diseases at a stage when they can be easily and quickly cured.