Information2 clinics

Otolaryngologist’s (ENT specialist’s) house call

Ear, throat and nose are the organs that are the first to encounter infections entering the human body, and are often the first to experience the negative influence of viruses, bacteria, environmental and other factors. The health of these organs significantly affects the general quality of life of a person, therefore, when the first alarming symptoms appear, you should not hesitate to contact an otolaryngologist.

Self-medication with the onset of symptoms of diseases of the ENT organs can have negative consequences. Even with a banal rhinitis, only a doctor can determine its origin (allergic or cold), and the treatment in each of the cases will be different.

Diseases of the ears, throat and nose are often associated. A malfunction in one of these organs can provoke problems with other ones. That is why timely referral to a professional is of utmost importance for prevention of complications.

Doctors of Dobrobut Clinic Chain apply the latest techniques of evidence-based medicine and act according to modern international protocols.

Otolaryngologists of Dobrobut Clinic Chain treat the following diseases:

  • acute rhinosinusitis;
  • odontogenic maxillary sinusitis;
  • rhinosinusitis polyposa;
  • adenoiditis;
  • acute tonsillitis;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • acute pharyngitis;
  • acute laryngitis;
  • acute epiglottiditis;
  • otitis externa;
  • acute otitis media;
  • chronic otitis media;
  • injuries of ENT organs;
  • neoformations in ENT organs;
  • foreign bodies in ENT organs;
  • diseases of inner ear;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • crooked nasal septum;
  • furuncles in nose, external ear canal;
  • paratonsillar, retropharyngeal abscess;
  • ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, frontal sinusitis;
  • acute sensorineural auditory inefficiency;
  • perforations of an eardrum;
  • otomycosis.

Otolaryngologist’s house call is the optimal solution in the situations when you need a consultation by an ENT specialist and have no possibility to visit a clinic.

When should you call an otolaryngologist at home?

Otolaryngologist’s house call is necessary when you feel a discomfort in ears, throat or nose that impair the quality of life.

The symptoms that require a call of an otolaryngologist at home are as follows:

  • sudden hearing loss;
  • sharp pain in ear, throat, nose;
  • bleeding from ear, nose;
  • dizziness;
  • discharge from ENT organs;
  • foreign objects in ENT organs;
  • itching in the ear;
  • plaque on the tonsils.

Diagnostics and treatment

Otolaryngologist’s house call is the comprehensive consultation, which includes diagnostics, recommendations on lifestyle and prescription of the treatment.

Otolaryngologist’s check-up at home is comprehensive, thorough and based on the recommendations of international protocols.

Every our patient gets prompt, quality aid in the comfortable environment.

During an otolaryngologist’s consultation, a patient will be examined carefully. On the basis of complaints and detected symptoms, the doctor will determine what additional diagnostic methods are needed, refer to other specialists for consultation, if necessary, and give recommendations on lifestyle adjustments and pharmacological therapy.

Advantages of otolaryngologist’s house call

Dobrobut Clinic Chain takes care of every patient and makes sure that everybody who trusts us feel confident, protected and calm.

Otolaryngologist’s house call in Kyiv and outside the city is a possibility to get the otolaryngologist’s aid at home, in the comfortable environment, without wasting time and stress.

Our doctors constantly upgrade their knowledge and treat the patient’s emotions with great respect, provide detailed explanations and answer all questions. Our coordinators will help you choose the most convenient time for a doctor’s home visit.

You can make an otolaryngologist’s house call in Kyiv by phone number (044; 097) 495-2-888.


  1. Guidelines for management of common ent conditions in primary care.
  2. Alfred L Weber, Laura Romo, Sadaf Hashmi. - Malignant tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx: clinical, pathologic, and radiologic evaluation
  3. Atypical odontalgia: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management.
  4. Article: Impacted wisdom teeth. - Mayo Clinic, 2018

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Otolaryngologist’s (ENT specialist’s) house call

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Doctors Otolaryngologist’s (ENT specialist’s) house call:
6experience (y.)
Maksymenko Vladyslav Vitaliiovych
Maksymenko Vladyslav Vitaliiovych
Pediatric otolaryngologist; Otolaryngologist
32experience (y.)
Stratovych Nataliia Viktorivna
Stratovych Nataliia Viktorivna
Pediatric otolaryngologist; Otolaryngologist
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