Класний лікар і спеціаліст у своїй справі. Допоміг зменшити приступи мігрені. Уважний і прогресивний.
Taking care of your time and health, our specialists have developed comprehensive programs aimed at early detection of various diseases and their prevention. The programs are designed to save the patient`s time and include an optimal set of diagnostic measures and specialist consultations at a bargain price. Diagnostic and consulting services can be obtained on any day of the week as the Center works seven days a week.
Convenient appointment system will help you avoid queues and spend time in the Medical Center with comfort. The friendly and qualified staff will help you to plan your visit to a doctor at a convenient for you time.
If you are not able to visit a doctor, the Center has the opportunity to organize on-site consultations of specialists to your home or office.
In the Medical Center, you can get consultations from both a family doctor and narrow specialists in various medical fields. Our doctors have vast practical experience as well as use evidence-based medicine methods and are guided by international protocols in diagnosis and treatment.
For adults:
For children:
One of the undeniable advantages of the Center for a patient is the ability to undergo a full diagnostic examination in one place. Our Center is equipped with modern high-precision diagnostic equipment from the world`s leading manufacturers, and all types of necessary laboratory tests are available.
For many diseases, such as measles, flu, tuberculosis, tetanus and others, the vaccination is the only effective way to prevent them. The Center`s specialists will vaccinate patients according to the immunizations schedule developed by the Ministry of Health, and may also create the individual schedule for a patient if, for some reasons, he missed the vaccination time.
To avoid complications, our specialists will definitely check the state of health before vaccination, and will also give their explanations about possible reactions and necessary measures in case of side effects. We use only high-quality vaccines from the world`s leading manufacturers.
Kinesiotherapy (“movement therapy”) is an effective method of rehabilitation for patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Dosed physical activity and proper muscle training can restore mobility, reduce pain, and activate tissue repair processes.
To sign up for kinesitherapy classes, please call our call center.
Supervision of infants in their first year of life in the Medical Center and at home in compliance with modern standards;
Patients after medical manipulations who do not require round-the-clock supervision of a doctor can use the day hospital of the Center.
The center has a cozy lounge area and a breastfeeding room.
Make an appointment
“Dobrobut” Medical Center for the whole family in Golosiiv
Класний лікар і спеціаліст у своїй справі. Допоміг зменшити приступи мігрені. Уважний і прогресивний.
Дякую велике!Лікар своєї справи, все пояснив, все доступно!
Прекрасний лікар! Вдруге звертаюсь і дуже задоволена. Чіткі висновки, зрозумілі рекомендації та прості кроки для вирішення проблеми! Дуже дякую
Дуже уважний, спокійний і доброзичливий лікар.
Чудовий професійний лікар і просто гарна людина! Все супер!
Все чудово!!!
MN «Dobrobut»