Information about the doctor Reka Ihor Yaroslavovych
Category: Higher
- Donetsk State Medical Institute
Areas of professional development:
- is a member of the Association of Pediatric Surgeons;
- previously was the assistant in the Department of Pediatric Surgery, the Lugansk Medical University;
- delivered reports at congresses of pediatric surgeons on various problems of pediatric surgery;
- actively attends congresses and conferences of pediatric surgeons, including those with international participation, took part in master classes on pediatric surgery;
- has publications in Ukrainian medical journals;
- constantly improves professional level by reading periodical medical literature;
- applies the modern experience of pediatric surgeons from countries of both near and far abroad.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- All sections of pediatric surgery: acute abdominal diseases in children; acute scrotum diseases; inguinal and umbilical hernia, varicocele; congenital pathology of the colon, accompanied by constipation and abdominal pains; purulent-septic surgery.
- "The main trend in surgery is the transition to high-tech methods of examination and treatment."
- “It is necessary to find contact with a small patient, who sometimes cannot say or tell anything, as well as with parents and close relatives who are worried about the health of the child.”
- “A good doctor is a professional who is constantly improving his educational level, striving for everything new and progressive in his practice.”
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “My hobby is traveling. I like to attend various excursions."
Doctor's advice:
- “Keep healthy lifestyle, go in for sports. If you have any symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.”
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- “The advantages of the clinic of such a level as Dobrobut are the availability of modern diagnostic and medical equipment, without which medicine cannot develop at present.”