Main symptoms of rotavirus enteritis - information for patients

Main symptoms of rotavirus enteritis - information for patients

Chronic enteritis in adults - clinical symptoms, treatment

Enteritis is an inflammation (acute or chronic) of the small intestinal mucosa, which is accompanied by dystrophic changes in the mucosa and impaired organ function. Signs of acute enteritis in children include loose stools, nausea, rumbling in the abdomen, fever, dry skin, and headache. The causes of this condition can be viruses, bacteria, toxic substances, allergic reactions to food or medications.

Causes of chronic enteritis in adults

  • autoimmune diseases
  • giardiasis;
  • intoxication with chemical, toxic substances;
  • overeating of fatty foods;
  • heredity;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prolonged use of medications;
  • intestinal surgery.

Risk factors include a sedentary lifestyle, abdominal injuries, circulatory disorders, and adhesions.

Classification of the disease, infectious intestinal enteritis

Depending on the course, there are acute and chronic forms. According to the mechanism of development, enteritis can be primary and secondary. By the degree of severity: mild, moderate, severe without complications and severe with complications.

Infectious intestinal enteritis. The disease occurs as a result of the development of pathogens in the intestines. The disease is usually acute. Symptoms of rotavirus enteritis include diarrhea up to 10 times a day, cramping pain in the navel, white coating on the tongue, bloating, weakness, and signs of dehydration. Infectious enteritis is characterized by tachycardia, low blood pressure, and rapid breathing.

On our website, you can make an appointment with a specialist. The doctor will answer your questions and tell you about the vaccine against the enteritis virus.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of enteritis depend on the form of the disease and its cause. Doctors divide clinical manifestations into intestinal and extraintestinal. The latter include generalized weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, dry skin, brittle hair, grayish skin color, and thinning nails.

Intestinal symptoms:

  • increased gas formation;
  • rumbling in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea, then constipation;
  • aching pain in the right iliac region;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Diagnosis of enteritis disease

Diagnostics begins with examination of the patient and taking anamnesis. As an additional examination, the doctor will prescribe a complete blood count, biochemistry, coprogram, feces for virological examination, X-ray with contrast agent, ultrasound of the liver and pancreas, and endoscopy. Diagnosis of enteritis should be comprehensive. It is important to differentiate the pathology from thyrotoxicosis, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Treatment of enteritis

Therapy is carried out in two directions: elimination of the root cause and treatment of symptoms.

Drug treatment:

  • enzymes
  • antibiotics
  • sorbing, fixing drugs;
  • vitamins
  • probiotics.

Diet is important in the treatment of enteritis. Doctors recommend excluding smoked meats, milk, fatty meat and fish, fresh baked goods, and semi-finished products. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited. The basis of the menu for enteritis is pureed soups, porridge with water, steamed cutlets, boiled lean meat, stewed vegetables. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, acute symptoms disappear in 3-4 days, and full recovery occurs in one and a half to two weeks.

A good complement to drug treatment will be traditional medicine recipes, which can be used only after consulting a doctor.

At a personal visit to our clinic, you can learn how to treat viral enteritis in humans and avoid complications such as vascular insufficiency, intestinal ulcers, perforation, intestinal bleeding, and intestinal necrosis.

Prevention and prognosis

Mild and moderate enteritis with timely diagnosis and qualified treatment results in complete recovery without any consequences. The prognosis of severe form is ambiguous.

Chronic enteritis tends to progress. Without proper treatment, the disease can lead to severe consequences (intestinal necrosis, perforation and organ ulcers).

Prevention of the disease is simple and consists of:

  • thorough processing of all foods;
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • rational nutrition;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases;
  • medical examination every six months.

Related services:
Consultation of a gastroenterologist
Video gastroduodenoscopy

Updated: 26.03.2025
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