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The term cancer in the majority of the population in everyday life is associated with the entire spectrum of malignant tumors that cause various oncological diseases. In the human body, it can develop from the epithelial cells of any organs and tissues.
Causes of dysarthria in children and adults. Features of speech in various forms of dysarthria, treatment of pathology
While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.
Dyslexia is a problem with mastering reading skills, which consists in persistent repetition of the same mistakes (replacement of sounds, their incorrect combination, etc.).
The main causes of placental insufficiency in pregnant women - information for patients. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency during pregnancy.
Symptoms and forms of lymphangitis, general principles of treatment
Endovasal laser coagulation (EVLK) - how the operation takes place, what are the consequences and possible complications. Professional EVLO is the key to the least traumatic postoperative period
Signs of a nose fracture with and without displacement. How is the severity of an injury determined? Therapeutic and surgical treatment. Features of surgery for a fracture of the nose with displacement.
What the neurorehabilitation after a blood stroke is. What aphasia, agnosia and apraxia are. Importance of timely rehabilitation after a blood stroke.
What is fainting, the causes of its occurrence. Signs of loss of consciousness. Why fainting can happen in teenagers and pregnant women. Providing first aid for fainting. What not to do when fainting.
What thrombocytopenia is and what its symptoms are. Causes of development of thrombocytopenia. Degrees of the disease. General principles of treatment.
While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.
The introduction of a contrast agent into the subarachnoid canal of the spinal column and taking pictures of bones, cavities, nerve roots and other structures of the spine in official medicine is called myelography.
Bedridden patients require close attention from both healthcare professionals and relatives. After overcoming the acute phase of the underlying illness and stabilizing the patient's general condition, there may come a time when one has to deal with pressure ulcers. Typically, a doctor at "D
What is rheumatism and what are the causes of its development. Symptoms of rheumatism in the early and late stages. General principles of medical prescriptions in the treatment of rheumatism.
Ultrasound during pregnancy. The purpose of ultrasound in different trimesters of pregnancy. Features of diagnosing pathologies of fetal development on ultrasound screening. Terms of ultrasound for a pregnant woman
Causes of vitiligo disease. Clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment