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Causes and treatment of sore throat in children and adults
Causes and treatment of sore throat in children and adults

A sore throat can be a sign of various processes in the respiratory system and not only. Sometimes it goes away in a couple of hours, and sometimes it can be quite prolonged. In order to eliminate the cause of constant throat scratch, it is almost always necessary to consult a good otolaryngologist

Degrees of cervical dysplasia and methods of treatment. Medical and surgical treatment
Degrees of cervical dysplasia and methods of treatment. Medical and surgical treatment

Causes and symptoms of cervical dysplasia. Degrees of cervical dysplasia. How to treat cervical dysplasia - medical and surgical method. Modern methods of treatment

Clinical signs of anorexia nervosa, its treatment and consequences
Clinical signs of anorexia nervosa, its treatment and consequences

Anorexia nervosa is often called anorexia and means the eating disorder characterized by body weight lower than normal, intense fear to gain weight and twisted weight perception.

How to determine an allergy to a cat and a dog in a child - recommendations for parents
How to determine an allergy to a cat and a dog in a child - recommendations for parents

Symptoms of an allergy to pet hair - which doctor to contact. The manifestation of signs of allergy to pets in infants is what a young mother needs to pay attention to.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine: safe and painless
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine: safe and painless

How much does an MRI of the spine cost? What you need to know about the most modern diagnostic method. MRI of the lumbar spine: indications, recommendations of specialists, results

Signs of intestinal infection in adults and children and the main methods of treatment
Signs of intestinal infection in adults and children and the main methods of treatment

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Causes, diagnosis and treatment of lymphomas
Causes, diagnosis and treatment of lymphomas

Lymphoma - what is this disease. Provoking factors, general clinical manifestations, methods of treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy). Prognosis for various types of lymphoma.

Causes of dropsy of the testicle in men, methods of treatment
Causes of dropsy of the testicle in men, methods of treatment

Causes of dropsy of the testicle in men, methods of treatment

What pharyngitis is, its types and symptomes. General treatment principles
What pharyngitis is, its types and symptomes. General treatment principles

Clinical picture in case of the development of various types of pharyngitis. How to treat chronic pharyngitis. Special aspects of therapy in case of various types of inflammation of the pharynx.

Lumbar puncture - indications and contraindications, technique
Lumbar puncture - indications and contraindications, technique

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Arrhythmia - types, symptoms and general therapeutic principles
Arrhythmia - types, symptoms and general therapeutic principles

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Signs of giardiasis in adults and children. Treatment methods Diet therapy
Signs of giardiasis in adults and children. Treatment methods Diet therapy

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Can you have sex during pregnancy: the truth and myths
Can you have sex during pregnancy: the truth and myths

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

How to feed with lactostasis - expert advice
How to feed with lactostasis - expert advice

Milk stasis caused by blockage of the excretory ducts of the mammary glands is called lactostasis. The condition is accompanied by redness of the gland, pain and an increase in local temperature.

Blockade with novocaine: indications, contraindications, features of the conduct
Blockade with novocaine: indications, contraindications, features of the conduct

Diseases in which therapeutic blockade is prescribed, features of its implementation, possible complications. Lidocaine blockade: indications for use, effect and contraindications.

Mitral valve prolapse - definition of pathology, symptoms, general principles of treatment
Mitral valve prolapse - definition of pathology, symptoms, general principles of treatment

What is mitral valve prolapse. How the disease proceeds, the reasons for its development. Tactics for the treatment of mitral valve prolapse, answers to the most popular questions of patients.

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