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What is hysterosalpingography, features of its implementation, possible consequences
What is hysterosalpingography, features of its implementation, possible consequences

There are two types of this procedure: X-ray or ultrasound.

Treatment of gastritis: medication, folk remedies, diet
Treatment of gastritis: medication, folk remedies, diet

Treatment of gastritis: medication, folk remedies, diet

Epidermolysis bullosa: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention
Epidermolysis bullosa: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Epidermolysis bullosa is not one pathology, but a whole group of hereditary nosologies that are manifested by a slight vulnerability of the skin.

Therapeutic essence of thyroidectomy. Consequences and alternatives
Therapeutic essence of thyroidectomy. Consequences and alternatives

Indications for thyroidectomy. Possible consequences. Alternative methods of surgical treatment. Life after thyroidectomy

Lumbago (lumbar rheumatism): causes and symptoms, treatment methods
Lumbago (lumbar rheumatism): causes and symptoms, treatment methods

Why acute lumbar rheumatism occurs. Pharmacological treatment of lumbago How vocational rehabilitation occurs.

Causes of pneumonia in children, its symptoms and drugs used in treatment
Causes of pneumonia in children, its symptoms and drugs used in treatment

Causes of pneumonia in children, its symptoms and drugs used in treatment

The main signs of subinvolution of the uterus, treatment, prevention and prognosis
The main signs of subinvolution of the uterus, treatment, prevention and prognosis

Clinical guidelines for subinvolution of the uterus after cesarean from a practitioner. Causes of subinvolution of the uterus after abortion. Preventive measures, disease prognosis

Types, symptoms and treatment of allergies in children. The most dangerous manifestations
Types, symptoms and treatment of allergies in children. The most dangerous manifestations

An allergy is an inadequate reaction of the body to any irritant, which can be both external and internal.

A child choked on water while bathing: how to provide first aid
A child choked on water while bathing: how to provide first aid

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

Colon cancer treatment: radical resection, radio- and chemotherapy
Colon cancer treatment: radical resection, radio- and chemotherapy

Colon cancer treatment: radical resection, radio- and chemotherapy

Emphysema of the lungs: treatment of the disease and methods of prevention
Emphysema of the lungs: treatment of the disease and methods of prevention

Emphysema is a pathological condition characterized by the expansion of the alveoli and destructive changes in their walls.

Everyone should know the causes and first signs of botulism in humans
Everyone should know the causes and first signs of botulism in humans

While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.

How to treat flux on the gums: surgical and conservative therapy
How to treat flux on the gums: surgical and conservative therapy

Flux (acute purulent periostitis of the jaw) is a subgingival or subperiosteal abscess, which is the result of inflammation in the region of the apex of the tooth root.

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