It's no secret that a diagnosis of cancer changes a person's life.
Sialoadenitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the salivary glands.
Cuckoo procedure for sinusitis: how it is performed, contraindications and possible complications
Anus cancer is a malignant tumor of the anus (the end part of the intestine). This is a group separate from oncology of the rectum, including tumors located between the inner anorectal ring before moving to the skin from the outside.
Warts - causes and ways to get rid of them. Types of warts, their location.
Do you need to see a speech therapist (test for parents)
Subfebrile temperature in a child has been holding for a week: what to do
Adenomyosis - what is it in an accessible language. Immediate causes and factors contributing to the development of pathology. Clinical picture of adenomyosis. Adenomyosis and pregnancy. Diagnosis and treatment.
While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.
Cervicago, or lumbago in the neck, is an acute pain in the neck with possible irradiation to the head.
Portal hypertension syndrome: its causes, main clinical signs. Methods of treatment of portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis
Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children - necessary information for parents
Chondroblastoma of the bone is a benign tumor localized in tubular bones.