Acute, chronic, subcutaneous paraproctitis

Acute, chronic, subcutaneous paraproctitis

Acute, chronic subcutaneous paraproctitis: treatment

Paraproctitis is an inflammation of the tissues around the rectum that is purulent in nature. The causes of the disease can be traumatic manipulations in the anal canal area, poor personal hygiene, and certain diseases, such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Paraproctitis can occur in acute or chronic forms. Depending on how strong a person's immunity is, the size of the purulent focus also varies. The location of paraproctitis can also be different - under the skin of the perineum or between the muscles of the buttocks and perineum in the deep layers. You can learn more about paraproctitis on our website

Acute paraproctitis - the cost of surgery

The treatment of acute paraproctitis is only surgical and belongs to the category of emergency. Considerable attention is paid to anesthesia - anesthesia must be complete, so epidural, mask or intravenous anesthesia is used.

The main tasks during the operation are:

  • opening the abscess
  • its drainage;
  • locating the affected crypt and purulent tract;
  • elimination of the crypt and purulent tract.

Acute paraproctitis, the cost of which depends on the degree of disease progression, has a favorable prognosis. However, recovery is possible only if the connection of the crypt and purulent tract with the intestine is eliminated during the surgical intervention.

This operation belongs to the category of complex, a particular problem is the high location of the purulent tract, which is usually the case with ischiorectal paraproctitis.

In the postoperative period, the patient is recommended a whole range of measures.

  1. Daily wound dressing with antiseptic agents and drugs that accelerate tissue regeneration.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures.
  3. Administration of painkillers (if necessary).

Acute paraproctitis after surgery requires careful attention - wound healing must be complete, otherwise a fistula will form, which will lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Chronic paraproctitis: surgery or therapy

Chronic paraproctitis is always a consequence of the acute form of the disease. It is characterized by fistula formation (in some cases, there may be several of them). Surgery for chronic paraproctitis is the only possible treatment. Therapeutic agents are suitable only when there are contraindications to surgical intervention.

If chronic purulent paraproctitis is diagnosed, treatment should begin with opening the abscess and its complete cleansing. Only then can the doctor proceed to the main operation with excision and subsequent suturing of the fistula.

Treatment of paraproctitis after surgery consists of daily dressings with antiseptics and antibiotics (if an inflammatory process has developed) and the prescription of a diet to soften the feces, which will prevent constipation.

Paraproctitis in children

Acute and chronic paraproctitis is quite rare in childhood, but such cases are known to medicine. The disease can be congenital or acquired, and the symptoms will be the same for all types of this pathology. A sick child is diagnosed with

  • fever;
  • crying, which seems to be unreasonable at first glance;
  • complaints of pain during defecation.

Paraproctitis in children is treated by surgical intervention, but in some cases, combined treatment may be required. For example, in the case of a chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to prevent infection - the skin around the anus should be frequently treated with antiseptics, and the child should be bathed daily in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Such measures are often prescribed in case of diagnosis of chronic paraproctitis in an infant, since surgical treatment in this case is postponed until the fistula is completely formed, that is, until the baby is 2 years old.

Care for children in the postoperative period does not differ from care for adult patients. Paraproctitis after surgery requires regular cleansing procedures, strengthening the patient's immunity and prescribing a diet.

How to treat paraproctitis without surgery

Many people are interested in how to treat paraproctitis at home. However, if acute paraproctitis is diagnosed, treatment will be only surgical. Patients should know some of the features of the treatment of this disease.

  1. Treatment of subcutaneous paraproctitis may consist of applying cabbage leaves, which help relieve fever and pain. In no case should it be heated, as this can lead to abscess breakthrough and fistula formation.
  2. Treatment of purulent paraproctitis without surgery is impossible, and surgical intervention in this case is classified as urgent.
  3. It is possible to reduce the pain of chronic paraproctitis and bring the disease into long-term remission at home, but this can be done only after surgery.

Let us emphasize once again: treatment of paraproctitis without surgery is impossible! Only seeking qualified medical care allows doctors to make favorable prognoses.

Related services:
Visit to a proctologist
Surgical operations

Updated: 25.03.2025
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