What is autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, how it manifests itself, what are the reasons for its development. What methods of treatment are used for chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.
While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.
Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium (heart muscle).
Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of SARS and influenza in adults and children
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis. Diagnosis of juvenile arthritis in children. Principles of approach to individual treatment and prevention of various types of arthritis.
Pelvic ultrasonography - types, purpose Ultrasound examination is a non-invasive examination method that allows doctors to diagnose pathology of internal organs and systems, treat them and conduct dynamic monitoring of the patient's health during therapy and in the recovery period. Pelvic ult
Causes and consequences of uterine prolapse. Clinical symptoms. Methods of conservative treatment and surgery for uterine prolapse in women. The use of pessaries. Pregnancy with uterine prolapse.
The cause of lameness in children and adults. Signs, tactics of treatment
Kawasaki syndrome is a disease characterized by pathological inflammatory lesions in arteries of different sizes.
Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot syndrome
Electroencephalography (from the Greek ‘enkephalo’ - brain and ‘graphein’ - write) is a method of testing the brain activity.
Causes, forms and types of dyslalia, stages of correction
While we are working on the translation of this article you could contact our coordinators and make an appointment if you need medical consultation.
Early and late symptoms of Fournier's gangrene in women and men
Once appeared, varicose veins never disappear on their own, they only increase over time. At the same time, complaints intensify, venous circulation disorders progress unnoticed by the patient, leading to the development of complications.
The World Health Organization recommends that everyone should get the whole body checkup once a year