Rabies is a viral, extremely dangerous disease that primarily affects the brain and its membranes and always ends in death after the first symptoms appear. But humanity has ways to prevent the development of the disease, even if the virus has already entered the body. How can you get infected?
First aid Rinse the wound abundantly with soap and water for 10-15 minutes. This is extremely important to wash away saliva and the virus it contains. If there is no soap in the immediate vicinity, rinse with water. If you get to water even after several hours, you should still rinse the w
The main element in preventing the spread of rabies among animals is their vaccination. Yes, the vaccine does not protect each individual animal 100%. But vaccinating more than 70% of dogs interrupts the transmission of rabies among them. And they, as you remember, are the main source of rabies for
Rabies, as you know, is a dangerous disease that can be prevented through vaccination. People who are in constant contact with animals that could potentially carry the rabies virus can and even should receive preventive vaccination
Dear Visitors, Every year in Ukraine, there is a significant increase in flu cases during the autumn-winter season. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine emphasizes the importance of taking preventive measures to avoid contracting the flu and knowing what to do in case of illness. How can you catc
This material has been prepared in response to the questions of parents of our young patients. After all, every pediatrician at MM “Dobrobut” empathizes with the concerns of parents at every appointment and shares their anxiety over a sick child. We hope that this information will help a
A Column by Olena Shapovalova, Interventional Cardiologist at "Dobrobut" Medical Network Your heart during the COVID-19 pandemic: How to maintain your health and emotional well-being The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our lives. It’s hard to find a person who is
Doctors at Dobrobut continue to gather and share knowledge regarding the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that access to up-to-date international recommendations is key for Ukrainian specialists in various fields to provide effective medical care to Ukrainian patients. We invite yo
A child of any age can take a trip with you if you take the necessary precautions. Thanks to the recommendations of Natalia Sidelnikova, a pediatrician at Dobrobut Medical Center, your vacation will be useful and safe for your child and comfortable for his or her parents. Take responsibility for
Every year, about 500,000 people die from flu complications worldwide, i.e. 4-5% of those who contract the dangerous virus. Most of the victims are children under 2 years old and the elderly over 65. Why is the flu so scary? Acute respiratory viral diseases account for 95% of all cases of infe
Meningococcal infection is an acute infectious disease caused by the meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis). The disease is widespread globally and is associated with a high mortality rate (5-15%), even with a high level of medical care. The infection is transmitted only from person to person via re