Influenza: avoid the threat by getting vaccinated!

Influenza: avoid the threat by getting vaccinated!

Every year, about 500,000 people die from flu complications worldwide, i.e. 4-5% of those who contract the dangerous virus. Most of the victims are children under 2 years old and the elderly over 65.

Why is the flu so scary?

Acute respiratory viral diseases account for 95% of all cases of infectious diseases in the world. And influenza is the top of the infectious pyramid. Unlike other viruses, it is extremely insidious and aggressive with very unpleasant manifestations: severe sudden weakness, sharp fever, muscle and throat pain (pharyngitis), cough, runny nose, and profuse sweating. But these are not the main troubles.

More serious complications are hemorrhagic pulmonary edema, uncontrolled cerebral edema, heart failure, respiratory distress syndrome (acute respiratory failure), myocarditis, and bacterial infection in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia. And if all this is ignored, the outcome will be extremely disastrous.

Who is the first in line?

There are people who are most at risk of facing the threat of influenza and getting complications. These are:

  • children under 3-4 years old;
  • the elderly;
  • those who are overweight;
  • expectant mothers;
  • patients with chronic diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • people taking immunosuppressive drugs.

How to prevent it?

Of course, prevention is many times better than treatment. We have non-specific and specific methods of preventing influenza at our disposal.

Nonspecific prevention

These are means that help you not to catch the virus. In particular:

  • Increasing the body's resistance. Rational nutrition, hardening, sufficient physical activity, and healthy sleep.
  • Minimizing contact with viruses and personal hygiene. The source of human influenza is only a sick person (on the 4th-5th day of illness). The influenza virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, you can reduce the likelihood of contracting the disease by following good personal hygiene and consciously avoiding situations in which you can catch the virus. So, do not visit crowded places during the epidemic, wash your hands thoroughly after going outside, ventilate rooms more often and do wet cleaning, and beware of hypothermia.

This is vaccination. The following types of vaccines are available in Ukraine:

  • Split. Only the surface and internal proteins of the virus are taken from the virus: Vaxigrippe (France), Fluarix (Belgium), Begrivak (Germany). Promote better formation of immune defense.
  • Subunit. Only surface proteins necessary for the formation of immune defense are used: Grippol (Russia), Influvak (Netherlands), Agrippal (Germany). Their use has a minimal percentage of side effects.

All vaccines are safe and can be administered even to babies from the age of 6 months. The only contraindications are hypersensitivity to egg white, acute illnesses, or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

When to get vaccinated?

Autumn is the most favorable time. There are practically no cases of infection, and the body will have time to develop strong immunity before the onset of cold weather - it is formed on the 9-13th day after vaccination and lasts for 12 months. It is advisable to get vaccinated every year.

Please note! If the child has never had the flu before and has not been vaccinated against it, the vaccination is done in two stages with a 4-week break.

When to expect the flu?

The first wave of the epidemic in the 2017-2018 season is expected in late November - early December. According to the Ministry of Health, Ukraine will be visited by influenza viruses of serotype A (strains A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1) and A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2) and serotype B (strain B/Brisbane/60/2008). A chance not to get infected!

Those who decide to trust the forecasts of experts and give preference to specific flu prevention, of course, in combination with non-specific prevention, have the best chance of not getting the flu.

Updated: 26.03.2025
Doctors who advise on this issue:
6experience (y.)
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Sarzhyna Olesia Viktorivna
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Gastroenterologist; Pediatrician; Physician
9experience (y.)
Uliankyna-Kulbida Kateryna Mykhailivna
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A general practitioner is a family doctor; Pediatrician; Physician
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11experience (y.)
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Labunets Roman Vitaliiovych
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