Every year, about 500,000 people die from flu complications worldwide, i.e. 4-5% of those who contract the dangerous virus. Most of the victims are children under 2 years old and the elderly over 65. Why is the flu so scary? Acute respiratory viral diseases account for 95% of all cases of infe
Not every specialist can conduct a proper examination if a child has ASD, CP, or Down syndrome. Stanisлава Rykova, a pediatrician from the Medical Network “Dobrobut,” explains the specifics of working with special children. Most parents, upon learning that their child is special, o
A trip to the doctor is a serious matter, but there are moments when little patients can turn the appointment into the most entertaining event. Pediatricians from the Medical Network "Dobrobut" share funny, touching, and interesting cases from their practice. Once, a girl, while leav
Summer is a dangerous season for allergy sufferers. During the flowering of plants, people, especially children, suffer from sneezing, watery eyes, and sometimes symptoms may resemble those of a cold. How to recognize allergies and how to protect against them is explained by pediatrician and allergi
Meningococcal infection is an acute infectious disease caused by the meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis). The disease is widespread globally and is associated with a high mortality rate (5-15%), even with a high level of medical care. The infection is transmitted only from person to person via re
The diagnosis that parents face over time was made years ago for the child of one of the employees of the Medical Network "Dobrobut." Iryna Levytska, the operational director of the "Tatarska" and "Obolon-1" network units, candidly shares what she had to go through.
Meanwhile, three-quarters of all children will experience ear problems at least once before the age of three. Why Are Ear Infections So Common in Children? Let’s take a look at the middle ear to understand why little ears often suffer from harmful microorganisms. The canal known as the E
Causes of clubfoot. Treatment of clubfoot in newborns One of the most common anomalies in the development of the musculoskeletal system is congenital clubfoot in children (it occurs in 1 in 1000 newborns). It is detected immediately after birth and requires medical attention. This is a disabling
Why the nose is constantly stuffy. Methods of treatment Everyone has experienced the condition when it is impossible to inhale and exhale through the nose. Some people live with it for years. Why does your nose constantly get stuffy, even if you have no runny nose or other nasal disorders? How ca
Prevention and treatment of flat feet in children Flat feet is a characteristic deformity of the foot, in which the longitudinal or transverse arch is flattened. The main cause of the pathology is weakness of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus. Symptoms of flat feet in children are manifested by
Neurosonography of the brain in newborns Neurosonography (ultrasound) of the brain is an examination performed in early infancy, when the baby's fontanel has not yet closed. This is one of the safest examination methods, but it should be performed only as prescribed by a doctor. The fact is t
First aid for hypovolemic shock Hypovolemic shock is a dangerous condition that occurs as a result of a decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the body. Causes of hypovolemic shock: blood loss burn disease; severe allergic reactions; gestosis polyuria; endocrine disorde
Causes, signs and treatment of ingrown nail An ingrown nail is a pathology in which the nail plate has grown into the nail roller (into its lateral edge). The disease is not critical, but only a surgeon can remove the ingrown nail plate. Most often, the pathology develops on the nail plate of
Signs and treatment of dolichocolon in adults and children What is intestinal dolichocolon? This is a pathological condition in which one or more sections of the large intestine are elongated. The disease occurs in adults and children and is characterized by impaired evacuation function. Sympt
Inguinal hernia An inguinal hernia is a pathological process during which the internal organs of the abdominal cavity protrude together with the surrounding peritoneal (lining the abdominal cavity) sheet into the inguinal canal. In turn, the inguinal canal is a cavity located in the thickness of
Pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of Itzen-Cushing's syndrome in humans Itzen-Cushing's syndrome (or hypercortisolism) is a pathology caused by excessive production of adrenal hormone. The disease is characterized by a variety of symptoms. Treatment of Itzenko-Cushing's syndrome in
Biopsy A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure that involves the lifetime collection of samples of cells or tissues of the body for the purpose of their further microscopy (cytological and histological examination). Interpretation of biopsy results is the task of a specialist with appropriate qualific
Symptoms of acute tracheitis in adults and children Tracheitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea. Symptoms of tracheitis appear against the background of a bacterial or viral infection. Signs of allergic tracheitis appear regardless of whether there is an infection. Symp