Page 3: Doctors ophthalmologists

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Yaremenko Nelya Konstantinovna
26experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

Завтра о 15:00

Yarova Iryna Mykolaivna
35experience (y.)
child doctor

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 17:30

Services of this direction

Consultation with an Ocular Geneticist
Consultation with an Ocular Geneticist
Consultation of the ophthalmologist with the determination of intraocular pressure and autorefractometry
Consultation of the ophthalmologist with the determination of intraocular pressure and autorefractometry
Paediatric consultation by ophthalmologist, expert of the sector in the clinic
Paediatric consultation by ophthalmologist, expert of the sector in the clinic
Consultation by paediatric ophthalmologist
Consultation by paediatric ophthalmologist
Doctor at home
GastroenterologyDermatologyCardiologyOtorhinolaryngologyBreast cancer TreatmentsMassageOphthalmologyOncologyОrthopedicsPediatricsPsychologyTherapyMedical ultrasoundUrologySurgeryEndocrinologyDiagnosticianTraumatologyFamily Medicine
If a family doctor or a pediatric physician has recommended a consultation by a subject matter expert, and you have no possibility to visit a medical facility, you can request a house call by a subject matter expert in Dobrobut clinic chain.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is an innovative imaging technique that allows ophthalmologists to obtain high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retina and other eye structures.
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