A maxillofacial surgeon is a specialist dealing with the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical intervention in the facial, jaw, and oral cavity areas. In the "Dobrobut" medical network in Kyiv, experienced maxillofacial surgeons provide comprehensive services to restore function and aesthetics in these areas.
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A maxillofacial surgeon specializes in treating various diseases and injuries in the maxillofacial region. You should consult a maxillofacial surgeon if:
Consulting with a maxillofacial surgeon is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment of issues in the maxillofacial area.
Maxillofacial surgeons use a variety of diagnostic methods to assess patient conditions. Main diagnostic methods include:
These methods help the surgeon accurately diagnose and develop a treatment plan.
Treatment methods that a maxillofacial surgeon may use include:
A consultation with a maxillofacial surgeon at the "Dobrobut" clinic in Kyiv begins with detailed history taking. The doctor discusses the patient's issues, examines the jaw and face, and asks questions to understand the nature of the problem. Then, the doctor may order additional diagnostic tests, discuss previous examination results, explain the treatment plan, and provide post-surgical care recommendations.
During a consultation with a maxillofacial surgeon, consider asking the following questions:
These questions will help you better understand your condition and confidently go through the treatment process.
If you have jaw or facial issues or require professional help in treating conditions in this area, book an appointment with a maxillofacial surgeon at the "Dobrobut" clinic. Appointments can be made through the website form or via the contact center phone numbers.