Pediatric gynecologist's consultation
A girl's reproductive health is laid down from the earliest childhood, and her development is influenced by many factors. Parents often do not take into account the importance of visiting a pediatric gynecologist, before the onset of puberty of the girl, and in vain.
According to statistics, up to 20% of preschool girls and adolescent girls do not yet have an active sexual life, face various gynecological diseases. These include congenital anomalies of the genitals, inflammatory diseases, menstrual disorders, and many others. It is very important to diagnose and treat them in time so as not to start the disease and avoid complications.
The choice of pediatric gynecologist should be given special attention, focus on the experience of the doctor, the feedback of other parents, the reputation of the clinic where the specialist takes. The importance of such a search is that a good pediatric gynecologist helps the child to form the right attitude to his body, its features, to lay the foundations of self-care. Ideally, if the girl from the first reception will have a trusting relationship with the doctor. So, as an adult woman, she will not neglect visits to the gynecologist.
You can find the best pediatric gynecologist in Kyiv here, in the network of Dobrobut clinics. Our specialists are not only highly qualified gynecologists but also specialists who will help create a psychologically correct atmosphere at the reception. The best indicator of the quality of our care and treatment is the repeated positive feedback from patients and the growing number of people wishing to receive medical care in MM "Dobrobut".
What diseases does a pediatric gynecologist treat
The most common pathologies that a pediatric gynecologist has to deal with are:
- vulvovaginitis;
- congenital anomalies of genital development;
- cysts;
- splicing of labia minora (synechia);
- tumors of the ovaries, uterus, external genitalia;
- premature or delayed puberty;
- uterine bleeding;
- menstrual disorders.
When should you come for a consultation with a pediatric gynecologist
Scheduled examinations by a pediatric gynecologist should be performed from an early age. At the age of 2-3 years, it is necessary to pass consultation and inspection to exclude congenital defects of genitals. Then it is recommended to regularly visit a pediatric gynecologist before registration in kindergarten and school. Then at the age of 10-11, when secondary sexual characteristics begin to appear, with the onset of menstrual function, and then it is recommended to undergo annual preventive examinations.
Unscheduled admission is mandatory in the presence of any complaints or unpleasant symptoms. What symptoms should alert parents?
- the appearance of redness of the external genitalia;
- itching and burning;
- the presence of non-standard secretions (strange color, texture, odor);
- bleeding;
- early (up to 10 years) or later (after 15 years) puberty;
- change in the shape and structure of the mammary glands (redness, swelling, nipple involvement, discharge from the gland);
- excessive hair growth in atypical places increased sweating;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- irregular, painful menstruation.
Also, urgent consultation with a pediatric gynecologist is necessary if you suspect a genital injury or the presence of foreign objects in them.
How is an examination and consultation with a pediatric gynecologist
Before the first visit to the pediatric gynecologist, it is necessary to explain to the child that this is a completely natural event, and no manipulations in the office can harm the girl or cause pain.
To begin with, the doctor will listen to the complaints, interview the parents or the child, collect a complete history. Next, it will be necessary to conduct an examination, usually, a pediatric gynecologist examines only the external genitalia and takes a swab for analysis for microflora. In certain cases, the specialist performs ultrasound of the pelvic organs or prescribes additional methods of examination.
In school-age girls, a manual examination is performed on a gynecological chair through the rectum. If you need to examine the vagina and cervix, the gynecologist will use a pediatric vaginal mirror, which is carefully inserted through a hole in the hymen without damaging it. Examination of little girls and girls is carried out only with their voluntary consent.
During the reception, the doctor should also examine the mammary glands, palpate them and regional lymph nodes.
When abnormalities are detected, the pediatric gynecologist will develop the most effective treatment tactics, depending on the individual characteristics of each patient. If no abnormalities are detected, the specialist will talk to parents and the child and will make recommendations for the prevention of gynecological diseases.
Consultation by gynecologist-endocrinologist
The health of a girl's reproductive system largely depends on the hormones produced by her thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, and adipose tissue. During puberty, the organs of the endocrine system, namely the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, begin to give "signals" to start the ovaries. At the same time in the ovaries processes of maturation of follicles start to occur, and the basic female hormones - estrogen and progesterone are made. Under the influence of estrogen, secondary sexual characteristics begin to form, the figure changes, the mammary glands, genitals, and pelvis increase. Progesterone is also called the hormone of "pregnancy", as under its action is the attachment of the fetus to the uterine wall, and its further development in the womb. The imbalance of sex hormones leads to changes in the menstrual cycle, the development of hormonal diseases, which are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and affect the condition of women in general. That is why it is very important to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist, especially during puberty. His competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system, aimed at normalizing and maintaining a properly functioning hormonal background.
You can contact a good pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist in Kyiv in the network of medical clinics "Dobrobut". Our experienced specialists will help you understand the causes of disorders, conduct the necessary research, prescribe effective treatment and give recommendations for disease prevention.
What diseases does a gynecologist-endocrinologist treat
The specialist of this profile in Ukraine is engaged in the treatment of such diseases:
- menstrual disorders;
- premature or late puberty;
- primary and secondary amenorrhea;
- congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
- sclerocystosis of the ovaries;
- uterine bleeding (dysfunctional or juvenile);
- hirsutism;
- acne disease;
- benign tumors of the female genitalia;
- hyperprolactinemia, etc.
When should you come to see a pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist
It is recommended to consult a pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist every year to monitor the normal hormonal background and prevent the development of serious pathologies.
It is necessary to address unscheduled reception at the occurrence of such symptoms:
- irregular menstrual cycle;
- absence of menstruation for a long period;
- menstruation lasting less than 3 or more than 7 days;
- delayed sexual development or early onset of secondary sexual characteristics;
- signs of metabolic disorders: hirsutism, obesity, voice change;
- acne, seborrheic dermatitis;
- pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
- absence of menstruation after 14 years;
- chest pain, swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of discharge;
- the beginning of sexual life.
Another reason to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist is the selection of contraceptives and advice on the safety of sexual intercourse.
Timely referral to a gynecologist-endocrinologist will detect and differentiate even the smallest disorders that have occurred in the endocrine system, and correct the hormonal background.
How is an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist
At the beginning of the reception, the specialist collects a complete history, interviews the parents or the child, finds out how the mother's pregnancy proceeded, at what age menstruation began, whether there were hereditary diseases and pathologies of the endocrine system in the parents.
Next, the doctor proceeds to a visual and internal gynecological examination and prescribes a number of laboratory and instrumental tests. Be sure to donate blood for female, male sex hormones, as well as hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. If necessary, ultrasound of the pelvis and mammary glands, sonography of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, MRI or CT. If necessary, the gynecologist-endocrinologist engages related specialists to develop the most effective treatment tactics. If deviations from the norm are not detected in the tests - preventive measures are recommended.
To make an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist in Kyiv, as well as to clarify all your questions: the cost of services, prices for examinations, terms, conditions, etc., call the numbers of our call center or use the feedback service Online.
List of sources, literature ↓
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- МИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ АДЫГЕЯ. Клинические протоколы по акушерству и гинекологии
- Коколина В. Ф. Гинекология детского возраста: Медпрактика-М, 2003.
- Маркин Л.Б., Яковлева Э.Б. «Детская гинекология», 2009 г
- Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. December 2021. Volume 34. Issue 6