Work experience: 32 years
Category: Higher
- Bogomolets National Medical University
Areas of professional development:
- member of Ukrainian Association of Pediatric Gynecologists
- courses on colposcopy, ultrasound specialization, specialization in gynecology and obstetrics;
- participation in conferences on child and adolescent gynecology, obstetrics and gynecology; Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists;
- scientific publications in journals on gynecology;
- exchange of experience with colleagues;
- tracking of medical innovations.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- diagnosis and treatment of diseases of external and internal genital organs in children and adolescents;
- treatment of vulvar dystrophy and dermatitis;
- diagnosis and treatment of menstrual disorders in adolescents: amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia;
- diagnosis and treatment of delays and premature sexual development in children;
- conservative treatment of functional ovarian cysts in adolescents;
- disconnection and prevention of labia minora adhesions;
- ultrasound diagnosis of small pelvis in children and adolescents.
- ‘Most often I work with patients suffering from menstrual cycle disorders, inflammatory diseases and developmental abnormalities. For the most part this is due to the fact that body in childhood is in any way not protected – no local protection. In addition, children constantly get sick. And, given our environment, food, water conditions, these diseases are almost inevitable. The number of diseases increases in SARS and acute respiratory infections season – namely, in autumn and spring. After a runny nose there discharge from genital organs appears. After a pediatrician, people come to gynecologist.’
- ‘Every doctor should be a psychologist, as well as a qualified, gentle and kind person. Before putting a girl on a chair for examination, you should find contact with her – you only can get a proper result (palpate stomach, take a swab, as well as examine little children rectally) if there is set one.’
- ‘You should carefully take a swab not to deflower girl’s hymen. Plus, the responsibility of a doctor is to explain all aspects of health of young patients to reassure parents.’
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- gynecology;
- urology;
- gastroenterology;
- pediatrics;
- ultrasonic diagnosis.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- ‘I like to go to museums, exhibitions, love to read and chat with friends. I’m fond of walking in nature, travel around the world and Ukraine – I adore Zakarpattia.’
Doctor's advice:
- ‘Be sure to show girls to a gynecologist at birth and every six months after. And also, of course, at appearance of complaints.’ ‘The reason for seeking medical attention must be pus-like discharge of yellow, green, curd nature with a smell. Also, if there is redness, inflammation of external genitalia, menstrual irregularities, very heavy bleeding, due to which more than five pads per day are spent, pain syndrome not relieved by anything. If a child is experiencing severe pain during menses, faints, a girl is vomiting and nothing helps – you should visit a gynecologist but not wait at home.’ ‘Parents should pay attention to their children, especially during menstruation. Also, parents of young girls are advised not to abuse diapers – they are good for the parents, but not for children. When used greenhouse effect occurs and, besides, feces hits the external genitalia of a child – that develops inflammation. Parallel to this, urinary tract inflammation may occur.’
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- ‘The benefits for patients: care, courteous attitude, renovated clean rooms and new equipment.’