Program "Teenager"

The preventive examination program «Teen-age Check-up»
Good health of a teenager is the key to successful schooling and full perception of the world around. In fact, there are so many new and difficult things ahead: taking exams, entrance tests and transition to the adult, serious life.
Medical problems arising with the growth and moving into adulthood of your child may be associated with a number of factors: lifestyle, leisure activity organization, nutrition, studies, environmental situation, and innate constitutional peculiarities of a teenager organism. Not always the risk factors can be controlled by parents, no matter how attentive and caring a mom and dad may be. Therefore, it is very important to timely identify the problem and prevent the development of chronic processes in the body of the child. The doctors of the "Dobrobut" Child's Clinic are ready to help with it to all comers.
In preparation of the program the standards of Ministry of Health of Ukraine have been met.
The preventive examination is held during 2 days.
Consultations of other specialists are held when necessary and are paid separately.
Examinations are carried out on the basis of the own clinical laboratory with the modern equipment and latest diagnosis technologies.
More information about the program can be obtained by calling the contact center (044) 495 2888.
Services included in the package:
- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
- Total bilirubin
- Direct bilirubin
- Urea
- C-reactive protein (quantitative)
- Complete blood count
- Clinical urine analysis
- Albumen
- Feces analysis on helminth eggs
- Antistreptolysin-O (quantitative)
- Blood Glucose
- Blood group and Rh factor
- Total protein
- Pediatric ophthalmologist consultation
- Pediatric cardiologist consultation
- Consultation of a pediatric ENT doctor
- Pediatric neurologist consultation
- Consultation by paediatric physician 2 pcs
- Ultrasonography of abdominal organs, kidneys, thyroid
- Echocardiography
- Plantogram
- ECG reading
- Standard electrocardiography in 12 leads with interpretation (childrenafter 3 years old) 2 pcs
- Determination of the fecal antigen to Helicobacter Pylori
- Provision of the pre-analytical stage in the study of venous blood
- Provision of the pre-analytical stage in the study of feces
- Provision of the pre-analytical stage in the study of urine
- Revenue recognition by virtue of program closure
- Консультація дитячого фахівця вузького профілю (уролог), Консультація дитячого гінеколога
- Консультація дитячого психолога, Консультація дитячого ендокринолога, Консультація дитячого дерматолога ... ще послуг (2) 2 pcs