Information about the doctor Puhach Bohdan Anatoliiovych
Work experience: 10 years
Category: Second
- Bogomolets National Medical University;
- Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- Ukrainian Academy of Pediatric Specialties;
- Academy of Family Medicine of Ukraine;
Areas of professional development:
- attended the seminar Problems and Prospects of Modern Pediatrics;
- is a participant of conferences: Cardiomyopathies and heart failure; Allergology and pulmonology of childhood;
- is proficient in English at the intermediate level, can receive a foreign patient;
- I draw all medical information from authoritative foreign resources such as: American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, European Society of Cardiology, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in USA, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders, fifth edition, uptodate, medscape, as well as many other evidential Ukrainian and foreign sources.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- emergency medicine and disaster medicine;
- psychosomatics (symptoms without organic etiology);
- rheumatology;
- cardiology;
- gastroenterology;
- neurology;
- pulmonology;
- dermatology;
- Infectious diseases.
- Common complaints: acute upper respiratory tract viral infections; cardiological diseases; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- “I noticed the fact of a closer connection between a doctor and a patient, between a patient and the media. Thus, a modern doctor cannot draw information from books published more than 5-10 years ago, but must keep himself abreast of the latest developments and achievements.”
- “I like to explain the nature and essence of the disease to a patient in detail, so that he could aware of his contribution to recovery, and did not just rely only on pills.”
- “A good doctor is one who has clear standards and concepts, who has answers to all questions and is motivated.”
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- My hobbies are playing percussion instruments, I like to listen to music on high-class equipment. I am interested in the latest developments in the "digital world", especially computer and mobile technologies, I try to keep up with the times.
Doctor's advice:
- Do not engage in self-medication and do not trust charlatans! In the event of health problems, consult a doctor in a timely manner and also do not forget about annual preventive examinations, because the most effective way to treat a disease that can be prevented.
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- “The advantages of working in the Dobrobut clinic are the comfort conditions and the absence of problems with maintaining documentation.”