Page 4: Doctors physiotherapists

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Tkachuk Zakhar Tarasovych
Trofymenko Iryna Serhiivna
st. Idzikowsky Family (M. Mishina), 3, Kyiv

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 11:30

Turchenko Oleksii Volodymyrovych
Turchenko Oleksii Volodymyrovych
Masseur; Children's masseur; Physical therapist; Rehabilitation specialist
12experience (y.)
child doctor

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 10:30

Vered Taisiia Vitaliivna
Vered Taisiia Vitaliivna
4.9 / 5
69 reviews
Rehabilitation specialist; Masseur; Physiotherapist
Volodymyra Ivasiuka (Geroyiv Stalingrada) Avenue, 16-V, Kyiv
6experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

Завтра о 14:45

Vikhot Pavlo Dmytrovych
st. Idzikowsky Family (M. Mishina), 3, Kyiv

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 14:30

Visych Vitalii Yuriiovych
4experience (y.)
child doctor

Nearest pickup time

Завтра о 15:00

Voloshyn Viacheslav Serhiiovych
6experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 09:00

Yevstratov Ivan Denysovych
Yevstratov Ivan Denysovych
Rehabilitation specialist; Physiotherapist
6experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 10:00

Zahorodnii Vladyslav Ihorovych
7experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

Завтра о 11:00

Zaporozhets Mariia Andriivna

Nearest pickup time

Сьогодні о 10:30

Services of this direction

Consultation of a pediatrician physiotherapist
Physical therapy
Consultation of a pediatrician physiotherapist
Postisometric relaxation of muscles (adults)
Physical therapy
Postisometric relaxation of muscles (adults)
AIT - Amplipulse therapy
Physical therapy
AIT - Amplipulse therapy
Quartz tube
Physical therapy
Quartz tube
Adult electrical myostimulation (EMS)
Physical therapy
Adult electrical myostimulation (EMS)
Physical therapy
US therapy (Phonophoresis)
Physical therapy
US therapy (Phonophoresis)
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