International standards of care. Modern non-surgical and surgical treatments. The comfort and safety of a large clinic with 15 years of experience
Proctology, Service prices:
- Comprehensive consultation by proctologist (rectoromanoscopy and anoscopy included) 2960 uah
- Consultation by proctologist 1470 uah
- Comprehensive consultation by proctologist, expert of the sector (rectoromanoscopy and anoscopy included) 3290 uah
- Expert consultation of a proctologist for adults in clinic 1970 uah
- Consultation of a pediatric proctologist 1470 uah
We treat:
- Hemorrhoids
- Anal fissures
- Paraproctitis and rectum fistulas
- Rectovaginal fistulas
- Coccyx cysts, epithelial coccygeal course
- Pelvic organs prolapse, rectocele
- Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
- Colon and rectal polyps
- Chronic constipation
- Colon and rectal cancer
- Diverticulosis
You need the consultation of proctologist as soon as possible if you notice these symptoms:
Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, polyps, colorectal cancer have similar manifestations at early stages. The correct diagnosis can only be determined BY A SPECIALIST AFTER THE EXAMINATION!
- Pain (in the anus after defecation)
- Bleeding (during defecation, blood drops in the feces or on the toilet paper)
- Itching (burning, feeling of discomfort, excretion of mucus, oozing)
- Constipation (difficulty to defecate, feeling of a foreign body in the rectum)
We offer all the conditions for you to access the most modern, accurate, and comfortable diagnostics:
- Appointments to the proctologist - around the clock and seven days a week. No waiting and queues. Completely confidential.
- Special disposable underwear that helps to eliminate discomfort and tightness.
- Examination in a comfortable position on the left side that takes no more than 5-10 minutes.
- The newest equipment Karl Storz (Germany) and Olympus (Japan) – minimal discomfort, maximal accuracy, high detailing.
- Videoanoscopy and rectoscopy in HD, including videocolonoscopes with the possibility of early examination of cancer.
- Diagnosis without pain is guaranteed. Anesthetic gel is used to eliminate discomfort. Drug-induced sleep colonoscopy.
- Only 1-2 visits to the doctor;
- You can return to work the same day;
- A painless procedure takes only a few minutes.
"The gold standard" of the treatment of hemorrhoids of grade 2 worldwide. The vacuum unit sucks the hemorrhoids node, and it is clamped with a special latex ring. Deprived of blood, the node is rejected together with the ring in 10-14 days. The procedure is painless and there’s no need to be off from work. The level of reliability on grade 2 is no less than after the surgical treatment.
Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids of all forms and grades
In the "Dobrobut" proctology center all the methods of modern surgery in the cases of hemorrhoids are available.
Laser ablation of hemorrhoids
For the first time in Ukraine! We use unique diode laser Biolitec (Germany).
Hemorrhoids of 2-3 grades.
Without cuts and wounds! The laser light guide is injected under the mucous membrane of the hemorrhoids node through a puncture of 2 mm. The laser radiation “solders” the vessels from inside, the node itself reduces, bleeding and loss are eliminated. No wounds and scars in the anus. The pain after surgery is minimal. Patients spend 12 to 24 hours in the hospital, and in a few days can get back to work.
THD - transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization
Is used as a treatment of hemorrhoids of 3 and 4 grades. Hemorrhoids nodes are removed with a special stapler that simultaneously excises the mucosa and recovers it with a small titanium staples without scars or wounds in the anus. The operation is performed at a depth of 4-5 cm in the rectum, in the pain insensitive zone. Postoperative period is completely painless. Patients stay for only 1 day in the hospital. They can walk and eat in 2 hours after surgery. After 4-5 days, they can return to work and normal life. The reliability of this method is no less than 95%.
Hemorrhoidectomy with the radiowave device Surgitron and ultrasonic scalpel Harmonic
These methods are worldwide known as the most sparing methods of hemorrhoids surgery for hemorrhoids running 3rd and 4th stages, hemorrhoids with complications, and thrombosis of knots. The tissues are not mechanically cut like with a knife, but evaporated with RF current or ultrasound, without causing a trauma. At the same time bleeding stops and the edges of wound are "welded" in order to accelerate healing and make the postoperative period less painful. The reliability of such interference is maximum up to 97-98%. Patients spend in the hospital less than 24 hours. The duration of period of limited disability is up to 7 days.
Anal fissures are the second most common (after hemorrhoids) cause of need to have an appointment with a proctologist. Anal fissures are manifested by severe pain in the anus after defecation and small discharge of blood. If the patient is not examined by a specialist in time (in the first 1-2 weeks) and the correct method of treatment is not chosen, a fissure becomes chronic, its edges become rough like a scar, and it can no longer heal by itself. The only choice in such cases is a surgical treatment.
In the "Dobrobut" proctology center anal fissures are surgically treated using Surgitron – the special radiowave device. Rough edges of a fissure are removed using radiofrequency current, and after that it can heal totally and painlessly. If necessary, lateral sphincterotomy can be also performed. A small, 2-3 mm incision is made on the muscle of the internal sphincter in order to eliminate the painful spasm of the wound. The postoperative period is almost painless, painkillers needed only for 1-3 days. Operations can be performed using either general or local anesthesia. In order to provide our patients with maximal comfort and safety, we recommend hospitalization within 12-24 hours. In 2 hours after the surgery you can get up and walk, eat, and after 3-4 days – return to a normal life.
For many years we are deliberately concentrating patients with acute and chronic paraproctitis from different regions of our country and from abroad, including especially difficult cases and relapses after multiple unsuccessful operations. So that we have now an experience of more than 800 operations of rectal fistulas.
Paraproctitis is a purulent inflammation of the soft tissue around the rectum. In most cases, such an abscess is strongly connected with the lumen of the intestine, which is called fistula. Eliminating abscess and fistula is a complicated surgical challenge that requires the participation of doctors of different specialties.
Using modern diagnostic and surgical equipment, we treat patients with paraproctitis in Kyiv according to German and US standards.
For high-precision diagnostics we use magnetic resonance imaging with the Toshiba 1.5 Tesla. MRI in complex rectal fistulas makes possible to recreate all the anatomical relations, and every move of the surgeon’s hand during the operation is performed like he has a map. The method of operation is chosen individually for each patient:
Radio wave surgery Surgitron
removing a fistula using the RF current. After that there remains a petal-shaped wound. Its vertex is located in the rectum, its basis – on the skin. Such wound heals by itself within 1-1,5 months. This method provides the best results - no less than 92% cases of successful healing. The pain in the postoperative period minimizes through the using of radioknife. The hospital treatment takes 1-2 days and rehabilitation is performed using the program Fast Track.
FILAC - laser photocoagulation of fistula
performed by us for the first time in Ukraine. This method uses the latest generation of laser Biolitec 1470 nm. The laser light guide is injected into the fistula channel and "brews" it from inside without damaging of surrounding tissue. Method is less-traumatic, there is no need to take painkillers after the operation – it can be performed even on an outpatient basis. Currently, this method is recommended for not too complicated cases of fistula.
LIFT - microsurgical removal of a fistula
without damaging of the sphincter muscles, performed by our specialists for the first time in Ukraine in 2010. Through a small incision (less than 1-2 cm) near the anus using a special tool the fistula is picked out at the very beginning, near the rectal wall. In this area the fistula is stitched and severed, and so that the connection between fistula and rectum is broken. During the procedure there is no risk of damage to the sphincter muscles and the incontinence. Healing occurs quickly and painlessly. The patients spend in hospital no more than 1 day. The method is particularly indicated for complex fistulas.
VAAFT – video-assisted anal fistula treatment without an incision
in Ukraine, a method is exclusively available only in "Dobrobut" proctology center. For the operations the unique equipment Karl Storz (Germany) is used; it is an endoscope with a diameter less than 4 mm. Under video control the device is injected directly into the fistula, its walls are removed from inside, without damaging the skin, mucosa, and sphincter muscles. After the operation the inner hole of rectum is closed with a suture. In 1-2 hours after the procedure, the patients can become active and leave the clinic the next day. This method makes possible to eliminate even the most complex fistulas with the residual cavities.
The advantages we offer:
- Accurate and painless examination and treatment using modern equipment
- Individual treatment programs designed according to European and US standards
- Treatment of proctological diseases of any complexity
- A full-featured multi-hospital and a team of physicians of all specialties
- Modern anesthesiology - the best pain management strategy for each patient
- Accelerated rehabilitation program Fast Track
- Physicians with the experience of several thousand operations and abroad internships