Occipitospondylodesis is a modern neurosurgical operation, the essence of which is that the bones of the skull are fixed to the upper vertebrae of the spinal column.
Instrumentation of the spine is a definition in neurosurgery, which is replaced by a set of measures using metal structures, which are produced using modern technologies, aimed at stabilizing the spinal column in case of its instability.
The placement of metal structures (osteosynthesis) is an operation in which it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of injuries, fractures or to restore the damaged spine or skull after planned operations using special metal structures
Microvascular decompression (Janette surgery) is surgery to relieve abnormal compression of the cranial nerve that causes trigeminal neuralgia, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, or hemifacial spasm.
Brain tumor removal surgery is performed to remove the tumor from the brain. Brain tumors are abnormal growths in the brain that are often treated with tumor resection.