Information1 clinic

Removal of metal structures

The placement of metal structures (osteosynthesis) is an operation in which it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of injuries, fractures or to restore the damaged spine or skull after planned operations using special metal structures (screws, special plates, and pins).

When do you need to remove metal structures?

After osteosynthesis, after a while, it is necessary to remove the metal structures in the following cases:

  • metal structures are not needed after a while - they have coped with their main function;
  • metalwork has damaged important organs of life;
  • a second operation is needed, the construction did not fulfill the main role;
  • the metal structure is rejected or infectious complications have arisen.

What are the contraindications for the removal of metal structures?

  • The structure is located in the anatomical area and the operation will lead to serious traumatic injuries.
  • Patients with osteoporosis of bone structures.

How is the operation performed?

The operation to remove the metal structure is carried out in a planned manner, before the procedure, diagnostics (X-ray, computed tomography) are performed. The plate is removed on average about a year after a dense callus has formed. An emergency operation is performed in case of complications (infectious complications, migration of metal structures).

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The neurosurgeon makes an incision in the area of the previous operation and removes the metal structure (unscrew the screws, remove the plates and metal structures). Then the skin is carefully sutured.

How to make an appointment with us for an operation?

The specialists of MS "Dobrobut" carry out the removal of metal structures routinely, efficiently, and successfully. The prices for examination and the cost of removing metal structures are the most loyal and democratic in Kyiv.

You can make an appointment for a consultation and operation with our specialists from Dobrobut MS by leaving a request on our website, or by calling the call center number.


  1. Виноградов В.Г., Комогорцев И.В., Мункожаргалов Б.Э., Лебедев В.Ф., Ангарская Е,Г. «Повреждение позвоночника». Методическое пособие. Москва, 2011 г.
  2. Гринь А.А., Некрасов М.А., Кайков А.К., Алейникова И.Б. «Лечение и профилактика переломов позвоночника у больных с остеопорозом», Москва, Нейрохирургия, 2013 г.

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Removal of metal structures

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Doctors Removal of metal structures:
33experience (y.)
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
28experience (y.)
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
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