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Removal of a brain tumor

Where to operate to remove a brain tumor in Kyiv?

Brain tumor removal surgery is performed to remove the tumor from the brain. Brain tumors are abnormal growths in the brain that are often treated with tumor resection.

In the Dobrobut Medical Network in Kyiv, patients receive specialized and coordinated assistance from world-class neurosurgeons who annually perform complex neurosurgical operations.

Brain tumors can be surgically removed in several ways, and the recommended approach often depends on the type, location, and size of the tumor, as well as several other factors.

When is brain tumor surgery performed?

Surgery to remove a brain tumor is usually performed after the brain tumor has been found on examination.

Common brain tumors that can be treated with surgery include:

  • gliomas;
  • meningiomas;
  • neuroma of the auditory nerve;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • primitive neuroectodermal tumors;
  • medulloblastomas;
  • craniopharyngiomas;
  • pineal gland tumors;
  • tumors of the stingray;
  • esthesioneuroblastoma.

What techniques are used to perform surgery to remove a GM tumor?

A craniotomy is a procedure in which part of the skull bone is temporarily removed so that a neurosurgeon can access the brain and tumor.

Although traditionally an open surgical technique, craniotomy can now sometimes be performed using minimally invasive techniques, resulting in a smaller opening in the skull and faster recovery.

Transsphenoidal surgery, a minimally invasive operation, is performed either through the mouth or through the nostrils using an endoscope.

This procedure leaves very small incisions that are often not visible.

How is the preparation for the operation to remove the brain tumor carried out?

At MS Dobrobut, our neurosurgeons use a multidisciplinary team approach when planning and performing surgery, which leads to the best prognosis. In addition to a neurosurgeon, other narrow specialists may be involved in the procedure.

How is the surgery performed?

General anesthesia is performed immediately before the operation.


For craniotomy, the neurosurgeon first makes a small incision in the scalp, often behind the hairline, then makes a small hole and removes the bone flap. After removal of the bone flap, the dura mater is exposed.

To assist during navigation, the neurosurgeon uses stereotaxic techniques (CT, MRI).

Upon reaching the brain tumor, the neurosurgeon begins dissecting the tumor from the normal brain tissue, blood vessels, and nerves to which it can attach. The neurosurgeon tries to cut out as much of the tumor as possible without damaging normal tissue or other structures. A biopsy of the resected tumor is performed and sent to a pathologist for tissue analysis to confirm the diagnosis.

After removing as much of the tumor as possible, the neurosurgeon sutures the incision made in the dura mater and replaces the bone flap, securing it in place with titanium plates and screws. The neurosurgeon then sutures the incision in the scalp.

Transsphenoidal surgery

Unlike craniotomy, transsphenoidal surgery is performed through the nose or mouth and rarely has visible incisions.

The procedure begins by inserting the tip of the endoscope through one of the nostrils. For oral surgery, an incision is made in the top of the gum and then the tip of an endoscope is inserted through the incision.

Upon reaching the tumor, the neurosurgeon carefully uses high-tech tools to break up and aspirate small areas of the tumor. The neurosurgeon removes as much of the tumor as possible while paying attention to the continued functioning of the brain tissue and other structures. During tumor resection, the neurosurgeon also takes a biopsy of the tumor and sends it to the pathologist to confirm the diagnosis.

After removal of the tumor, it may be necessary to fill in the area that it previously occupied. If so, the neurosurgeon sometimes takes a tissue graft from the patient's thigh or abdomen and implants it in place of the tumor. Often, synthetic grafts and biological glue can be used instead of an incision in the thigh or abdomen. If incisions have been made, they are closed and sutured.

How long does it take to stay in the hospital?

For patients who have undergone transsphenoidal surgery, the hospital stay is usually 1 or 2 days. Craniotomy patients usually stay in the hospital for about a week.

The cost of surgery to remove a brain tumor in the Dobrobut medical center is individual in each case and the price varies, and also depends on many factors: tumor size, type, location, degree, technique, and technique of brain surgery.

At the Dobrobut Medical Center in Kyiv, our neurosurgeons perform a routine operation to remove a brain tumor using the most modern technology and equipment.

You can get advice from our specialists and sign up for an operation at Dobrobut MS by leaving a request on our website, or by calling the call center number.


  1. Т.Р.Измайлов, Г.А. Панышин, П.В. Даценко - Опухоли головного мозга. Общие принципы современной диагностики и лечения, 03.2010.
  2. В.Н.Корниенко - Опухоли головного мозга, 2004.
  3. Brain Tumor Surgery. Published online, 2021.
  4. Surgery for brain tumours. Published online, 05 Nov 2019.

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Removal of a brain tumor

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Doctors Removal of a brain tumor:
33experience (y.)
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
28experience (y.)
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
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