Extended colposcopy
Colposcopy is a method of examining the cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of disease. The study is carried out using a colposcope - an optical device with varying degrees of magnification - in the case of:
- if during cervical screening (PAP test or liquid cytology) an abnormal cytological picture is detected;
- if HPV (human papillomavirus) is detected;
- if there is vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, vaginal bleeding after intercourse;
Service prices:
The optical system of the colposcope contains several additional light filters for a more detailed assessment of the mucosa.
The price of colposcopy of the cervix in Ukraine is low, in the clinic of the MC "Dobrobut" the study is performed using modern colposcopes with the possibility of extended colposcopy.
Simple and advanced colposcopy - what's the difference
A simple colposcopy involves examining the cervix with a colposcope, without additional tests. During the procedure, the doctor examines in detail the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervix, vagina, and vulva, detects if there are pathological processes, tissue defects, etc.
Extended colposcopy includes, in addition to examining the mucosa, additional samples using a 3% solution of acetic acid and Lugol's solution and evaluating the results of samples under optical magnification. Samples allow you to detect pathological areas and determine further tactics for managing the patient.
What pathologies can be detected during a colposcopy?
- polyps and condylomas of the cervical mucosa;
- leukoplakia of the cervix;
- cervical dysplasia;
- cervical cancer;
- vulvar cancer.
- period of menstruation or intermenstrual uterine bleeding;
- acute inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
- recent surgical treatment of the cervix;
- the first 2 months after childbirth, instrumental abortion;
- allergic reaction to chemicals (iodine, vinegar).
Colposcopy of the cervix in pregnant women is allowed in special cases when the doctor suspects the development of a malignant process that requires immediate treatment.
Preparation for colposcopy
For the study to be comfortable and show reliable results, it is necessary to start preparing for colposcopy 3 days before the procedure. Women are advised to limit sexual intercourse, do not use suppositories or vaginal creams with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances. You should also refrain from douching.
Before a visit to the doctor, it is necessary to carry out a standard toilet of the external genital organs. Do not use antibacterial soap or gel for intimate hygiene, which violates the natural microflora of the vagina.
How is an extended colposcopy performed?
The study takes about 10-15 minutes on average. First, the gynecologist examines the vagina and cervix in the mirrors, after which, with the help of a colposcope, he accurately examines suspicious areas of the mucous membrane, and conducts an extended colposcopy with samples. During the test, there may be a sensation of tingling of the mucous membrane, as well as a slight discomfort. The patient receives the result of colposcopy with a detailed description immediately after the examination. After an extended colposcopy, there may be brown discharge for 1-3 days (after a test with Lugol's solution).
Colposcopy may be accompanied by the collection of additional tests (determination of HPV, STIs, or other pathogens), as well as a biopsy of pathological areas of the cervix with further histological examination, which is necessary for diagnosis and determination of the patient's further treatment plan. This also affects the cost of the procedure and the time it takes to get the result. A biopsy involves the collection of pathological tissues, most often using a conchotome or a radio wave method with local anesthesia. The patient can receive a histological conclusion in 5-7 working days, the period also depends on the workload of the relevant laboratory.
You can pass all the necessary tests and do a colposcopy of the cervix in the gynecology department of the Dobrobut MC clinic in Kyiv. Our diagnostic rooms are equipped with modern devices that increase the accuracy of the results. Women are examined by doctors with extensive experience in practical gynecology, whose main goal is to help each patient solve problems with reproductive health.
An appointment for a doctor's consultation and colposcopy is carried out by phone or through the feedback form.
List of sources, literature ↓
- Cooper DB, Goyal M. Colposcopy. [Updated 2021 Jul 18]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan.
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- Waxman AG, Conageski C, Silver MI, et al.ASCCP Colposcopy Standards: How Do We Perform Colposcopy? Implications for Establishing Standards. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2017;21(4):235-241.