Signs and treatment of dolichoccolon in adults and children, prevention

Signs and treatment of dolichoccolon in adults and children, prevention

Signs and treatment of dolichocolon in adults and children

What is intestinal dolichocolon? This is a pathological condition in which one or more sections of the large intestine are elongated. The disease occurs in adults and children and is characterized by impaired evacuation function.

Symptoms of pathology

Often, the disease occurs without any signs. Against the background of such an asymptomatic course, complications may suddenly arise that require surgical intervention. Expressed symptoms of intestinal dolichocolon in children and adults

  • recurrent abdominal pain, aggravated by physical exertion
  • chronic constipation;
  • after bowel movements - a feeling of fullness;
  • pain in the anus and abdomen during bowel movements;
  • loss of appetite.

Complications of the disease such as intestinal volvulus and intestinal obstruction may develop.

Diagnostic measures

The primary diagnosis consists of interviewing the patient and palpating the intestines through the anterior abdominal wall. The doctor also prescribes additional examination methods, such as

  • rectoscopy
  • colonoscopy
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs
  • irrigoscopy
  • complete blood count;
  • fecal occult blood test.

Signs of dolichocolon are well visualized on X-ray, so there is often no need to prescribe other examination methods.

How to treat dolichocolon

If the pathology is asymptomatic, no special treatment is prescribed for the patient. They are periodically examined for early detection of complications, and their diet is adjusted. Dietary principles for the diagnosis of dolichocolon

  • Eating a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits (they can also be baked in the oven or stewed)
  • avoiding sweets, wheat flour baked goods, rice and potatoes;
  • consumption of milk and dairy products;
  • avoiding carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

In general, nutrition in case of dolichocolon disease consists in taking sparing and low-calorie food.

How to treat intestinal dolichocolon with medications:

  • Laxatives are prescribed, but only if the patient is concerned about chronic constipation;
  • a course of vitamin therapy is mandatory - the complex of vitamins is selected by a doctor;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics are indicated only in the presence of severe intestinal pain.

The main therapy can be supplemented with herbal remedies, physical therapy, and physiotherapy procedures. To speed up bowel movements in case of prolonged constipation, siphon enemas are prescribed.

If there is no effect from drug therapy, treatment of dolichocolon in adults is performed surgically. Preference is given to laparoscopic intervention, which is characterized by a small number of complications and a short rehabilitation period. The consequences of surgery for dolichocolon, which is performed by the cavitary method, in some cases can be severe - from internal bleeding to intestinal obstruction.

After treatment, regardless of the method chosen, the patient must be registered with the clinic, follow the recommended diet and undergo a control examination at least once every six months. After a year, it is recommended to visit a doctor every year.

Prevention of the disease

The prognosis with timely detection and adequate treatment of dolichocolon is favorable. But prevention is easier than cure. In order to prevent dolichocolon, you should follow the recommendations:

  • lead an active, mobile lifestyle;
  • exercise regularly (at least in the morning);
  • follow a proper diet;
  • to empty the intestines in a timely manner when you have a bowel movement.

For more information about the disease, as well as the difference between dolichocolon and dolichosigma, please visit our website at

Related services:
Visit to a proctologist
Surgical operations

Updated: 26.03.2025
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