Emergency care and qualified treatment of open pneumothorax

Emergency care and qualified treatment of open pneumothorax

First aid for spontaneous pneumothorax and treatment

Pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition characterized by the presence of air in the pleural cavity. Pneumothorax can be spontaneous (spontaneous), iatrogenic and traumatic. The consequences of traumatic pneumothorax include hemothorax, recurrence of pneumothorax, and development of pneumomediastinum. Depending on the connection with the environment, open, tension (valve) and closed pneumothorax are distinguished. The open one is characterized by “depressurization” of the respiratory system due to chest injury. Normal pressure in the lungs changes, which leads to their “sticking together” and cessation of gas exchange. Symptoms of a closed pneumothorax are: sharp chest pain, inability to breathe normally, heart palpitations, cold clammy sweat. With a valvular pneumothorax, air passes in one direction - to the pleural cavity and cannot go back out - the valve “works”. Valvular pneumothorax is characterized by compression of the lungs and large vessels, irritation of the nerve endings of the pleura, which can cause respiratory failure.

Possible causes of pleural pneumothorax

  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumocystis pneumonia)
  • pathologies of the respiratory system (cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma, COPD)
  • connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyositis);
  • breast endometriosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chest injuries;
  • closed chest injuries;
  • complex diagnostic and treatment measures.

Treatment of an open pneumothorax is carried out exclusively in a hospital. Emergency care for pneumothorax is provided in an ambulance.

Clinical manifestations of pathology

Symptoms depend on the type of pneumothorax and the degree of lung compression. The disease begins suddenly.

Common symptoms are

  • sticky cold sweat
  • shallow breathing
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • sharp pain in the chest, palpitations;
  • weakness, decreased blood pressure;
  • subcutaneous emphysema;
  • dry cough - a sign of tension pneumothorax;
  • fear;
  • the patient takes a forced position to alleviate the condition.

The further condition and life of the patient largely depend on the correct actions at the stage of first aid for spontaneous pneumothorax.

You can find more information on this issue on our website Dobrobut.com. You can make an appointment by calling the above phone numbers.

Emergency care for pneumothorax in newborns

Pneumothorax in newborns is a severe pathology that is currently extremely rare. The most difficult form of the disease is spontaneous pneumothorax. The causes of the disease can be: genetic pathology of the lungs, cyst rupture, rupture of a lung abscess.

The main symptoms are shallow breathing, anxiety, agitation, shortness of breath. Symptoms develop quickly, within 2-3 hours.

Emergency care for pneumothorax in newborns before the arrival of an ambulance: give the baby an elongated position so that the diaphragm and chest are free, and turn the baby's head to the side.

Diagnostic measures

The diagnosis is made by the characteristic signs of pneumothorax (cyanosis, sticky sweat, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, restricted chest excursion in the affected area and widening of intercostal spaces). Special examinations include radiography. An X-ray in case of valvular pneumothorax will show a zone of lucency without a pulmonary pattern and displacement of mediastinal organs.

Treatment of open pneumothorax

First aid before the arrival of an ambulance consists in applying a bandage to close the lumen in the chest. For this purpose, a thick gauze and cotton wool bandage or a cellophane bandage is used.

Qualified assistance in a hospital: puncture, evacuation of air and restoration of negative pressure in the pleura. Important: both in emergency care and in a hospital setting, it is necessary to use painkillers to reduce the patient's suffering.

Prognosis and prevention

With timely assistance, the outcome of the disease is favorable. The prognosis for traumatic pneumothorax depends on the nature of the damage to the chest organs. In any case, the patient will need a long recovery period under the supervision of a doctor. Pathology recurrence is possible only in patients with severe diseases of the respiratory system. In this case, the patient is recommended to undergo preventive examinations by a pulmonologist with the necessary tests.

Preventive measures include timely treatment of respiratory system diseases and dispensary observation in the presence of chronic lung disease.

You can get answers to all your questions at a visit to our specialist. Make an appointment for a consultation at a time convenient for you. And remember that prevention is always better and cheaper than treatment.

Related services:
Asthma symptoms
Chronic bronchitis

Updated: 26.03.2025
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Doctors who advise on this issue:
31experience (y.)
Chyrkova Olha Mykolaivna
Chyrkova Olha Mykolaivna
13experience (y.)
Bibikov Vitaliy Igorevich
Bibikov Vitaliy Igorevich
Physician; A general practitioner is a family doctor; Pulmonologist

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