Digital dermatoscopy with Canfield Intelli Studio device - up to 5 elements, with the consultation of a dermatooncologist
Digital dermatoscopy with Canfield Intelli Studio device - 5-10 elements, with the consultation of a dermatooncologist
Digital trichoscopy (without trichologist/dermatologist consultation)
Surface excisional biopsy (removal of the whole formation (fibroma, lymph node) of subcutaneous formations)
Removal of spider naevus up to 1 cm in diameter (BBL phototherapy)
Vessels removal (BBL), face, neck and decollete
Vessels removal (BBL), neck
Removal of vessels on decollete (BBL phototherapy)
Removal of nasal wing vascular (BBL phototherapy)
Vessels removal (BBL), face
Removal of vessels of one zone 10 \ 10 cm (phototherapy BBL) - forehead, around eyes, nose, cheekbones, cheeks, nasolabial folds, on different parts of the body and limbs
Incisional, punch and radio-wave biopsy of the skin (up to 3 formations inclusive) (for benign tumors and tumor-like processes)
Histological examination after punch biopsy or other types of skin biopsy in inflammatory dermatoses
Histological examination after a punch biopsy of the skin for alopecia
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels on the decollete, Forever Clear BBL (BBL phototherapy)
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels on the neck area Forever Clear (BBL phototherapy)
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels on face, Forever Clear face (BBL phototherapy)
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels, Forever Clear BBL, 1 zone (area in sizes as palm of the hand)
Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy apparatus Cryo Pro) * removal of viral wart, 5-8 mm in size
Laser removal of skin tumors (1 item 5-10 mm) without the cost of anesthesia
Laser removal of skin tumors (1 item from 10 mm) without the cost of anesthesia
Laser removal of skin neoplasms-nevi (1 item up to 5 mm) without the cost of anesthesia
Laser removal of papillomas, hemangiomas, small keratomas 1 item
Laser removal of papillomas, hemangiomas, small keratomas up to 5 mm (1-5 pcs.) (without the cost of anesthesia)
Laser removal of papillomas, hemangiomas, small keratomas up to 5 mm (6-10 pcs.) (without the cost of anesthesia)
Laser removal of vascular neoplasms, 1 session
Treatment of Acne (BBL), face, neck, decollete
Acne treatment on the decollete (BBL phototherapy)
Treatment of Acne (BBL), face
Acne treatment on neck (BBL phototherapy)
Acne treatment of one anatomical zone, at choice (decollete / shoulders / back up to shoulder blades / back below shoulder blades (BBL phototherapy)
Treatment of Acne (BBL), 1 zone (area in sizes as palm of the hand)
Treatment of one age spot up to 1 cm in diameter (BBL phototherapy)
Treatment of one inflammatory acne element (BBL)
Treatment of pigmentation spots, area of neck
Treatment of pigmentation spots, face, neck, decollete
Treatment of pigmentation spots (decollete)
Treatment of pigmentation spots, face
Treatment of pigmentation spots, area of shoulders
Treatment of age spots on one anatomical area at choice (decollete / shoulders / back to the shoulder blades / back below the shoulder blades (BBL phototherapy)
Treatment of pigmentation spots, 1 zone (area in sizes as palm of the hand)
Mesotherapy Hair Loss control
Mesotherapy of the scalp Meso Genesis
Mechanical (or radio wave) removal of molluscum epitheliale (anaesthesia cost excluded), 11–20 formations (price per item)
Mechanical (or radio wave) removal of molluscum epitheliale (anaesthesia cost excluded), 1–5 formations (price per item)
Mechanical (or radio wave) removal of molluscum epitheliale (anaesthesia cost excluded), 6–10 formations (price per item)
Mechanical (or radio wave) removal of molluscum epitheliale (anaesthesia cost excluded), more than 20 formations (price per item)
Microscopy of skin scales, hair, nails, purulent discharge for the presence of mycelium and spores
Suturation (no more than 5 items)
Punch biopsy (face, neck, genital organs, hands and feet) (not including the cost of anaesthesia)
Punch biopsy (trunk, extremities) (not including the cost of anaesthesia)
PRP therapy in dermatology (aesthetic medicine) (1 procedure)
PRP plasma therapy (1 tube)
Polynucleotides (1 syringe) Rejuran HB plus
Polynucleotides (1 syringe) Rejuran Healer
Polynucleotides (1 syringe) Rejuran I
Polynucleotides (1 syringe) Rejuran S
Polynucleotides (1 syringe) TwAc 2.0
Polynucleotides (1 syringe) TwAc 3.0
Polynucleotides (1 syringe) TwAc eyes
Radio wave removal of neoplasms (nevus) of the skin of the face (1 piece bigger than 5 mm), without the cost of anesthesia and histopathological examination
Radio wave removal of skin neoformations (1 item more than 5 mm) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of skin neoformations (1 item up to 5 mm) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of neoplasms (nevus) of the skin of the face (1 piece up to 5 mm), without the cost of anesthesia and histopathological examination
Radio wave removal of papillomas (1–5 items) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of papillomas (5-10 items) (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the chest area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the eyelid area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the neck area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the underarm area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Radio wave removal of papillomas (removal in various body areas) (package) in the pelvic area (anaesthesia cost excluded)
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels, Forever young BBL, neck zones
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels, Forever young BBL, 1 zone (area in sizes as palm)
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels, Forever young BBL, decollete
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels, Forever young BBL, face zones
Combined treatment of acne and removal of small vessels, Forever young BBL, face, neck, decollete
Photorejuvenation of the whole body, Forever young BBL+ (BBL phototherapy)
Photorejuvenation of body areas, Forever Young BBL + (arms / abdomen / buttocks / thighs) (BBL phototherapy)
Photorejuvenation of hands, Forever young BBL (BBL phototherapy)
Fractional laser resurfacing of the area around the eyes
Fractional laser resurfacing, wrists
Fractional laser resurfacing, purse-string wrinkles
Fractional laser resurfacing, face
Fractional laser resurfacing, face and neck
Fractional laser resurfacing of the face, neck, décolleté
Fractional laser resurfacing of post-acne
Fractional laser resurfacing, scars, striae and stretch marks of one zone 1 sm²
Fractional laser resurfacing of scars, stretch marks and shrincks of one zone (an area with a palm in size)
Fractional laser resurfacing, forehead
Fractional laser resurfacing, cheeks
Histological examination after excisional biopsy of skin tumor with assessment of resection edges (for 1 localization)
Injection treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars (without cost of drugs)
Consultation a dermatologist-trichologist
Consultation with a trichologist
Rosacea treatment (BBL phototherapy)
Fractional mesotherapy - neck, decollete
Fractional mesotherapy of the scalp
Fractional mesotherapy of the face