Digital trichoscopy with trichologist consultation
Trichoscopy is the fastest, most comfortable, and informative way to assess the condition of the hair and scalp. The study is carried out during the initial consultation with a trichologist to identify problems and choose an effective treatment.
In the clinics of MC Dobrobut, trichoscopy in Kyiv is performed on a modern digital apparatus, which is connected with computer programs and opens up wide opportunities for doctors for diagnostics.
Service prices:
Benefits of digital trichoscopy
Trichologists of the MC Dobrobut clinics use the innovative Canfield IntelliStudio apparatus for research. It has a unique lighting system and a special camera that allows you to take high-resolution images of problem areas. The device is connected to a computer so that the doctor can save images of each client and analyze changes over time.
Trichoscopy has several advantages:
- hair examination is carried out in real-time, all images are immediately displayed on the monitor screen;
- the procedure is painless and does not cause any unpleasant sensations, since the device barely touches the scalp;
- at the end of the procedure, the patient receives an expert opinion from a trichologist;
- the technique is safe, it does not use X-rays or other potentially harmful effects;
- the procedure is allowed for patients of any age, it has no contraindications.
Reasons to sign up for a trichoscopy
Digital trichoscopy is a popular diagnostic method that helps to quickly identify the root cause of such problems:
- itching and flaking of the scalp;
- excessive dryness of the scalp, the appearance of white dandruff;
- increased oiliness of the scalp, no feeling of cleanliness even with daily hair washing;
- increased hair loss all over the head or in certain areas;
- slow hair growth;
- the presence of wounds or ulcers on the scalp;
- brittle hair along the length, many split ends;
- hair damage after perms, fequent dyes, and other aggressive beauty procedures.
Trichoscopy is recommended for prophylactic purposes to determine the type of scalp and hair condition at the moment. The study allows the trichologist to more accurately select home care for the patient so that the hair always remains thick, healthy, and shiny.
Preparation for research
It is necessary to wash your hair 1 day before the visit to the doctor. Before diagnostics, it is not recommended to apply styling agents (varnishes, foams, or mousses) to the hair, use care oils. It is advisable to carry out trichoscopy on uncolored hair, or 2 weeks after visiting a master colorist.
How is trichoscopy performed?
First, the trichologist asks the patient about the condition of the hair and scalp, conducts a general examination to determine which areas are showing signs of a problem. The initial consultation is included in the total cost of trichoscopy.
The doctor then takes a digital trichoscope and sequentially examines the condition of the hair on different areas of the head. In the process of diagnostics, the specialist photographs the most representative areas with multiple magnifications. The images are immediately sent to the computer so that the doctor can return to their assessment at any time. Photos can be stored in the database of images separately for each patient to assess the condition of the hair in dynamics, to check the effectiveness of treatment.
Based on the results of digital trichoscopy, the doctor tells the person about the identified health problems of the scalp and selects the most effective methods of therapy. Taking into account the nature and severity of the situation, hardware procedures, injection techniques, and home care correction can be used.
Why is it worth doing a digital trichoscopy at the Dobrobut MC clinic
- an examination is carried out by trichologists of the highest qualification category with extensive experience;
- the clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic equipment, which guarantees 100% accuracy of the examination;
- attentive staff and modern renovation in the clinic will make your visit to the doctor as comfortable as possible;
- all our doctors comply with the requirements of confidentiality so that a person can come without hesitation with any delicate problems;
- we offer the most affordable price for trichoscopy in Kyiv so that all our patients can take care of the health and beauty of their hair.
Not satisfied with the condition of your hair? The professionals of the MC Dobrobut clinics will find the cause of the problem and quickly eliminate it so that you can enjoy wonderful healthy hair again.
Take the first step - sign up for a digital trichoscopy with a doctor's consultation through the online form on the website or by phone.
List of sources, literature ↓
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