In most cases, without special rehabilitation measures, rehabilitation may be delayed for a long time or not lead to the desired result. For the recovery to be as productive as possible, you need the help of a rehabilitation doctor - a specialist in rehabilitation therapy.
Ultrasound for pregnant women helps to monitor the development of the future child from the state of the embryo and up to birth, in time to conduct additional research and prevent possible problems of carrying.
Laparoscopy is one of the methods of modern surgery, in which the examination of the abdominal organs is carried out without an incision, using special optical devices.
Ventriculography is a radiopaque examination, which is most often performed in conjunction with coronary angiography and makes it possible to obtain an image of the ventricles of the heart.
Aortography is a method of visual diagnostics of the state of the aorta, in which a special radiopaque substance is injected into it, which makes it possible to examine the section of the vessel on an X-ray machine.
Colonoscopy (videocolonoscopy) is an overview of all the parts of the large intestine taking into account the inversion examinations with 180° rotation.