Information9 clinics

House call of a general practitioner / family doctor for check-up and diagnostics

Our doctors will professionally help you stay in the know of your health status at home without the need to go to a medical center.

Learn more about the service

You can call a therapist of Dobrobut Clinic Chain at home in Kyiv and outside the city. The doctor will come to your home for consultation, check-up and possible diagnostics of the disease.

What is the process of doctor’s house call?

A doctor on call arrives at a certain time (morning or afternoon) at the specified address for a consultation, during which he/she asks about the patient’s complaints, collects information about the state of health and lifestyle, performs a check-up. If necessary, the doctor performs laboratory or instrumental diagnostics, which can be carried out at home.

If the patient has symptoms of a respiratory disease or there were risks of contacting a coronavirus infection, the doctor can take the patient’s biological material for a PCR test, conduct a rapid antigen test or a quick test for the detection of immunoglobulins M and G to confirm or deny the diagnosis of Covid-19.

After consulting and establishing a diagnosis, the doctor will definitely issue an advisory opinion, which will indicate the diagnosis, recommendations for the regimen, further examination and treatment.

How to make a doctor’s house call

To make a doctor’s house call, please contact our call center, and our employees will help you to choose the best day and time for a doctor’s visit. Call the usual number and press the button 4 to get in contact with our COVID-19 hot line operators.

Make an appointment

House call of a general practitioner / family doctor for check-up and diagnostics

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Doctors House call of a general practitioner / family doctor for check-up and diagnostics:
11experience (y.)
Bilokonskyi Dmytro Volodymyrovych
Bilokonskyi Dmytro Volodymyrovych
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Pediatrician; Physician
11experience (y.)
Bozhok Olha Anatoliivna
Bozhok Olha Anatoliivna
Pediatrician; A general practitioner is a family doctor
49experience (y.)
Vitiuk Alina Vsevolodivna
Vitiuk Alina Vsevolodivna
Pediatrician; A general practitioner is a family doctor; Physician
13experience (y.)
Vlasenko Yaroslav Yuriiovych
Vlasenko Yaroslav Yuriiovych
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Physician
10experience (y.)
Vorona Alona Anatoliivna
Vorona Alona Anatoliivna
Physician; Pulmonologist
11experience (y.)
Havryliuk Iryna Oleksandrivna
Havryliuk Iryna Oleksandrivna
Physician; Cardiologist; Doctor of functional diagnostics; Ultrasound doctor
27experience (y.)
Hryhor Serhii Mykolaiovych
Hryhor Serhii Mykolaiovych
Physician; Ultrasound doctor
22experience (y.)
Hunina Nataliia Valeriivna
Hunina Nataliia Valeriivna
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Cosmetologist; Physician
16experience (y.)
Didur Tetiana Mykolaivna
Didur Tetiana Mykolaivna
17experience (y.)
Zahorodniuk Anna Volodymyrivna
Zahorodniuk Anna Volodymyrivna
Physician; A general practitioner is a family doctor; Pediatrician
13experience (y.)
Korol Iryna Yevheniivna
Korol Iryna Yevheniivna
Physician; A general practitioner is a family doctor; Pediatrician
9experience (y.)
Krit Anastasiia Mykhailivna
Krit Anastasiia Mykhailivna
12experience (y.)
Labunets Roman Vitaliiovych
Labunets Roman Vitaliiovych
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Gastroenterologist; Pediatrician; Physician
24experience (y.)
Liubchenko Ihor Anatoliiovych
Liubchenko Ihor Anatoliiovych
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Physician
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