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Removal of a tooth

Tooth extraction is a necessary dental procedure if the dental tissue is destroyed and cannot be restored. In such a situation, the procedure cannot be postponed, since delaying the visit to a doctor is fraught with complications. The operation allows you to prevent further progression of the disease, and after healing it will be possible to restore the dentition with the help of prosthetics.

In the clinics of MN Dobrobut in Kyiv, teeth extraction is performed by experienced dentists who use modern instruments and safe drugs for anesthesia. Doctors try to make the procedure as painless and minimally traumatic as possible.

Types of tooth extraction

There are 2 types of surgery: simple and complex tooth extraction. Simple removal is carried out with a preserved dental crown, the sufficiency of tooth mobility, the presence of one or two roots of the correct shape and location.

Removal is considered difficult in such cases:

  • multi-rooted molars;
  • crooked or deformed dental roots;
  • unerupted wisdom teeth;
  • misplaced teeth;
  • the roots of the teeth fused with the bone tissues of the jaw;
  • cysts, fistulas, or granulomas around the tooth to be removed.

The price of tooth extraction in Ukraine depends on the volume and complexity of the work. The cheapest way for the patient is to simply pull out one dental unit under local anesthesia. However, all cases are individual, therefore, specialists of maxillofacial surgery can name the final cost after examination and diagnosis.

Service prices:

Pain relief methods

Most often, the manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia, in which drugs are injected with a needle into the periodontal tissues. In this case, the cost of tooth extraction is low. Correctly performed local anesthesia avoids unpleasant sensations during the procedure, moreover, the drugs have a minimal effect on the body and are suitable for most patients.

With difficult removal, as well as for patients who have a strong fear of surgery, it is possible to use medication sleep. For this, safe non-narcotic drugs are used, which give a quick effect and are excreted without a trace after a few hours. Medication sleep (sedation) is the best way in dentistry for tooth extraction in, especially sensitive and impressionable people.

It should be borne in mind that safe and reliable anesthesia is possible only in a certified clinic, where modern drugs are used and there are all conditions for the provision of medical care. If a patient wants to remove a tooth inexpensively and chooses questionable dental offices, then there is a risk of using low-quality pain relievers, developing allergic reactions, and other problems.

How is the procedure

Any treatment and tooth extraction begins with an initial consultation with a dentist, during which the doctor examines the oral cavity and makes a presumptive diagnosis. The specialist then directs the patient for dental x-rays and evaluates the resulting images. X-ray data are necessary to assess the severity of the pathological process and identify indications for surgical manipulation. At this stage, the doctor can determine the scope of the operation and name the final price for tooth extraction.

The standard procedure consists of 3 stages:

  1. The specialist lubricates the mucous membrane of the gums with an anesthetic gel, after which he injects a local anesthetic and waits for the drug to take effect and the removal zone becomes numb.
  2. The doctor removes the crown and dental roots using forceps, elevators, and other special dental instruments. In the presence of inflammatory foci, all of them are exuded from the tooth socket until healthy tissues appear.
  3. The dentist conducts the final antiseptic treatment of the cavity after tooth extraction and applies a hemostatic sponge to stop bleeding.

Standard removal takes about 20-30 minutes. If during the procedure the dentist encountered complications, it may be necessary to make additional incisions in the operation area and remove the tooth in separate fragments. In this case, the doctor needs about 1-1.5 hours to perform the service well.

Indications for tooth extraction

In dentistry, all indications are divided into general and local. The general include manifestations of chronic intoxication of the body due to the presence of a focus of infection in the dental tissue. Against this background, the patient may experience lesions of other organs with the development of myocarditis, endocarditis, rheumatism.

Most often, it is required to remove a tooth according to local indications. Routine dental procedures are performed in the following situations:

  • destruction of the dental crown and the impossibility of its reconstruction;
  • ineffectiveness of conservative treatment due to curvature or obstruction of the canals, perforation of the root wall;
  • the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the periodontium, due to which endodontic treatment is impossible;
  • incorrect position of the tooth, which cannot be corrected and leads to injuries of the oral cavity, pathological changes in the bite;
  • not erupted or partially erupted wisdom teeth, which cause pain and inflammation of the surrounding tissues;
  • teeth located along the jaw fracture line and interfering with the normal reposition of fragments.

The operation to remove a tooth has an emergency indication. Urgent execution of the manipulation is indicated for purulent inflammation, which is not subject to conservative therapy: acute osteomyelitis, phlegmon, odontogenic sinusitis. In case of fractures of the coronal part with exposure to the pulp, the tooth is also pulled out.


For urgent indications, surgery is performed in all patients, since the potential complications are less than the likely health risks in the absence of surgical treatment. Many conditions belong to relative limitations, and in this case, it will be possible to remove a tooth after the patient is properly prepared.

Relative contraindications for the procedure:

  • acute infectious diseases of any localization;
  • acute diseases of internal organs or exacerbation of chronic disease;
  • blood clotting pathology;
  • acute disorders of the cerebral circulation and other pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • acute psychoses;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • allergic and toxic-allergic diseases.

In the presence of aggravating factors, the operation is often carried out in a hospital in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery. In this case, the price of tooth extraction in Kyiv will be higher, however, a team of doctors with the help of modern medical and diagnostic equipment can perform manipulations of any complexity and prevent complications.

Rehabilitation period

Wound healing takes about 2-3 weeks, and it will take up to 4 months for the development of bone tissue and full recovery. In the first days after the operation, the patient needs to follow special rules for caring for the oral cavity:

  • do not touch the blood clot with your tongue and toothbrush;
  • minimize the load on the teeth from the affected side, giving preference to warm and soft foods;
  • refrain from taking cold drinks, alcohol;
  • exclude smoking, so as not to create a vacuum in the hole and not provoke repeated bleeding;
  • make oral baths with antiseptics or saline;
  • brush your teeth with a soft brush and non-abrasive toothpaste;
  • do not play sports and do hard physical work.

If during the rehabilitation period the patient develops bleeding, swelling of the gums, or other incomprehensible symptoms, you should immediately contact a doctor. You may need another visit to the dentist to eliminate the disease.

List of sources, literature ↓

  1. Робустова, Т. Г., А. К. Иорданишвили, and Н. В. Лысков. Профилактика инфекционно-воспалительных осложнений, возникающих после операции удаления зуба. Пародонтология 23.2-23 (2018): 58-61.
  2. Костина, Ирина Николаевна, and Анастасия Александровна Николаева.Проблемы стоматологического здоровья: количество и причины удаления зубов. Проблемы стоматологии 1.5 (2009).
  3. Соловьев М.М.Пропедевтика хирургической стоматологии: Учебное пособие.– М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2007. – С. 105-108.
  4. Харьков Л.В., Яковенко Л.Н., Кава Т.В. Справочник хирурга-стоматолога. – М.: Книга плюс, 2002. – С. 40-43.

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Removal of a tooth

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