Information about the doctor Parpalei Yevhen Ivanovych
Work experience: 28 years
Category: Higher
- Bogomolets National Medical University;
- Shupyk National University of Health of Ukraine, specialization in ultrasound diagnostics, medical genetics
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- internship in laparoscopy in gynecology (Bratislava, Slovakia);
- is certified and undergoes an annual compliance audit by the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF), UK;
- participates in more than 50 international and Ukrainian conferences, congresses and congresses, regularly attends and conducts thematic trainings and master classes.
Scientific activity:
- candidate of Medical Sciences;
- in 1999 completed postgraduate studies in obstetrics and gynecology, defended his PhD thesis in obstetrics and gynecology;
- in 2011 awarded the academic title of associate professor;
- author of more than 30 scientific papers.
Teaching and / or lecturing:
- associate Professor of the Department of Maternal and Child Health at the Dobrobut Academy;
- regularly makes presentations at national conferences and conferences with international participation.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- isoimmune conflicts during pregnancy (Rh-conflict pregnancy);
- fetal interventions for fetal anemia;
- expert prenatal diagnosis of congenital and hereditary diseases of the fetus;
- screening examination in the I-II trimesters of pregnancy;
- invasive prenatal diagnostics;
- perinatal counseling of pregnant women with congenital and hereditary fetal diseases;
- expert ultrasound examination in gynecology;
- 3D/4D ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology;
- diagnosis and treatment of infertility;
- minimally invasive endoscopic interventions in gynecology;
- gynecological endocrinology;
- outpatient gynecology.
- “In fetal medicine, a new area of medicine that I practice, the patient is an unborn child, a fetus. Its diseases, condition, and needs are the focus of research and treatment. The pregnant woman and her family represent the interests of the baby and are directly involved in counseling and treatment.”
- “The field of fetal medicine is rapidly evolving towards earlier, more accurate and non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. More and more fetal conditions can be treated and operated on in utero. Pregnant women with suspected congenital and hereditary fetal diseases, families who want to be sure of the health of their unborn baby, and women who want to give birth to a healthy child come to me. The spectrum of conditions is wide: congenital and hereditary fetal diseases; pathological results of ultrasound and biochemical screening tests during pregnancy; SGRP, hydrocele, intrauterine infection, fetal hemolytic anemia, fetal malformations; pathology of the endometrium, uterus and appendages; infertility.”
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- reproductive medicine;
- endoscopy
- radiation diagnostics;
- medical psychology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “If I have free time, I like to take pictures, spend time with my family, travel, and do something with my own hands from wood.”
Doctor's advice:
- “Appreciate every life. If there is even a small chance, fight for it. Love yourself, your loved ones and be responsible. The success of treatment depends on the patient's active participation in the treatment process. By providing complete and objective information about the patient's condition, the doctor gains an ally in the fight against the disease. Without the patient's understanding and acceptance of the goals and objectives of treatment, it is much more difficult to achieve results. A good doctor is a professional who strives to help his patient, understands his needs and knows the limits of his competence.”
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- “In addition to the modern material and diagnostic base, in a private clinic, compared to free public healthcare, a patient takes a more responsible and conscious approach to his or her health and treatment process, and a doctor-patient partnership is formed, which has a positive effect on treatment results.”