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← Reproductology

Diagnostics in reproductive medicine

Service prices:

  • Spermogram
    700 uah
  • Spermogram with test capacitation
    3070 uah
  • Ultrasonography of small pelvis organs, transvaginal
    1240 uah
  • Folliculometry (after ultrasonography of small pelvis organs)
    690 uah
  • Echosalpingography
    4020 uah
  • Hysterosalpingography
    5600 uah
  • Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium (without the cost of histological examination)
    2010 uah
  • Histological examination after endometrial biopsy (aspiration biopsy, curettage, polypectomy)
    1210 uah
  • Isolation of sperm from urine
    2010 uah
  • Antisperm antibody test (MAR test)
    2420 uah
  • Test for the ability of sperm to bind hyaluronic acid (HBA test)
    5340 uah
  • Program "Examination before ART for men"
    1850 uah
  • Reproductive potential of a woman
    3300 uah
  • Reproductive potential of a man
    2340 uah
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Diagnostics in reproductive medicine

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Diagnostics in reproductive medicine, Services:

  • Echosalpingography
    Echohysterosalpingography – popular in gynecology ultrasound examination of the patency of the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity.
  • Endometrial aspiration biopsy
    Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium makes it possible to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the uterus, confirm or deny the diagnosis without significant intervention.
  • Folliculometry
    GynecologyMedical ultrasound
    Folliculometry is a diagnostic method that allows you to track the functioning of the ovaries in women during the menstrual cycle.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of various structures in the pelvic area, including the bladder, uterus, ovaries in females, and the prostate and bladder in males.
  • Spermogram
    A spermogram (ejaculate test) is an analysis that allows you to evaluate the motility, concentration, and morphology of spermatozoa. Evaluation of this test is of great importance when planning a pregnancy or finding out the cause of infertility in a married couple.

Physicians who provide referral services Diagnostics in reproductive medicine:

27experience (y.)
Atamanchuk Iryna Mykolaivna
Atamanchuk Iryna Mykolaivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Geneticist; Reproductologist; Ultrasound doctor
23experience (y.)
Avad Lina Mokhammedivna
Avad Lina Mokhammedivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Ultrasound doctor
26experience (y.)
Heraskevych Larysa Mykolaivna
Heraskevych Larysa Mykolaivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Ultrasound doctor
16experience (y.)
Hoshchenko Kateryna Anatoliivna
Hoshchenko Kateryna Anatoliivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Ultrasound doctor
4experience (y.)
Konetsul Oleksandra Rostyslavivna
Konetsul Oleksandra Rostyslavivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Reproductologist
5experience (y.)
Petrovska Yuliia Oleksandrivna
Petrovska Yuliia Oleksandrivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Reproductologist
23experience (y.)
Shyianova Svitlana Volodymyrivna
Shyianova Svitlana Volodymyrivna
15experience (y.)
Tsyhaniuk Olha Petrivna
Tsyhaniuk Olha Petrivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Reproductologist; Ultrasound doctor
18experience (y.)
Vaskovska Iryna Viacheslavivna
Vaskovska Iryna Viacheslavivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Ultrasound doctor

Clinics providing service: