An ultrasound examination of the shoulder joint is a non-invasive diagnostic method used to assess shoulder structures in children and helps diagnose various conditions such as tendon injuries, bursitis, tendinitis, fractures, and dislocations.
Ultrasound examination of the scrotal organs is a non-invasive diagnostic technique used to assess structures within the scrotum, including the testicles, epididymis, and surrounding tissues.
Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands in children is a diagnostic procedure conducted in the "Dobrobut" medical network by specialists with extensive experience.
An ultrasound examination of the pyloric region of the stomach is a non-invasive diagnostic technique specifically designed to assess the pylorus — the section connecting the stomach to the duodenum (the beginning of the small intestine).
Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) is a widely used, available, harmless, painless and effective method of diagnostics of internal organs using ultrasonic waves (mechanical high-frequency oscillations with short wavelength).
GastroenterologyDermatologyCardiologyOtorhinolaryngologyBreast cancer TreatmentsMassageOphthalmologyOncologyОrthopedicsPediatricsPsychologyTherapyMedical ultrasoundUrologySurgeryEndocrinologyDiagnosticianTraumatologyFamily Medicine
Only at home
If a family doctor or a pediatric physician has recommended a consultation by a subject matter expert, and you have no possibility to visit a medical facility, you can request a house call by a subject matter expert in Dobrobut clinic chain.
Ultrasound for pregnant women helps to monitor the development of the future child from the state of the embryo and up to birth, in time to conduct additional research and prevent possible problems of carrying.