Information1 clinic

Consultation of a reproductologist

A reproductive specialist is a doctor whose professional interests include the study and treatment of disorders of generative function using assisted reproductive technologies. This specialist not only solves problems with conception, but also prepares a couple for IVF, develops preventive measures, and helps a couple during pregnancy planning.

When do you need a consultation with a reproductive specialist

  • Absence of pregnancy during 1 year of regular sexual life if the woman is less than 35 years old.
  • no pregnancy during 6 months of regular sexual life if the woman is older than 35 years.
  • Lack of a sexual partner in women, if you want to become a mother.
  • The earlier termination of the menstrual cycle in the anamnesis of the female line.
  • Presence of serious gynecological or urological diseases in one of the partners.
  • Presence of a history of two or more consecutive miscarriages.
  • Presence of hereditary genetic diseases or if there were cases of birth of children with congenital syndromes in the families of close relatives.
  • Desire to become parents in the future, in the presence of cancer in reproductive age, for the treatment of which chemotherapy/radiation therapy is planned.
  • The desire to freeze eggs at a young age.

Initial appointment with a reproductologist

At the initial consultation with a reproductive specialist in Kyiv, the doctor talks to the couple in a trusting atmosphere. Such couples need a special approach because they have come a long way of failure and disappointment. Therefore, psychological contact between a gynecologist and a married couple is very important.

At the initial reception, the gynecologist-reproductologist asks a number of specific questions and studies the anamnesis. Be sure to bring for the first time all the tests and research, protocols of operations, protocols of stimulation in IVF programs in previous clinics. A gynecologist and a reproductive specialist at the Dobrobut Clinic in Kyiv perform a gynecological examination on a chair, colposcopy, and ultrasound of the pelvic organs at the initial appointment. If necessary, refers the man to an andrologist, urologist, endocrinologist, geneticist, and other specialists for consultation.

For couples also prescribe laboratory diagnostics: blood tests for blood hormones, immunological tests, a general detailed blood test for infectious agents, a test for the compatibility of gametes of partners. Sometimes additional instrumental and minimally invasive studies are needed to determine treatment tactics (eg, hysterosalpingography). But, as a rule, at the repeated consultation the gynecologist reproductologist, analyzing the received information and results of the carried-out inspections, can tell with high confidence what is necessary in each case and will make the further clinical tactics.

The price of a consultation with a reproductive specialist

The price of a consultation with a reproductive specialist in Kyiv depends on a comprehensive examination program, additional diagnostic procedures, and laboratory tests.

Advantages of conducting the service with us:

  • The list of necessary diagnostic and treatment procedures is determined strictly individually.

  • In the practice of the clinic "Dobrobut" modern methods of treatment are used by the latest medical protocols.
  • Affordable price for a consultation with a reproductive specialist in Kyiv.
  • Reproductologists and gynecologists of the Dobrobut Clinic are constantly improving their skills and participating in international conferences and seminars.
  • The main purpose of our center is to help couples learn the happiness of parenthood.

How to make an appointment

You can make an appointment for an initial appointment with a reproductive doctor in Kyiv and get acquainted with the cost of services on our website or with the help of a 24-hour contact center, whose contacts are listed on the clinic's website.

List of sources, literature ↓

  1. Rosner J, Samardzic T, Sarao MS. Physiology, Female Reproduction. [Updated 2021 Oct 9]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan.
  2. Довідник з питань репродуктивного здоров’я / за ред. Н. Г. Гойди. – К.: Вид-во Раєвського, 2004.
  3. Гук А. П. Збірник нормативних документів з питань репродуктивного здоров’я в Україні / А. П. Гук, Н. Я. Жилка. – К.: Вид-во Раєвського, 2005. – Т. 1.

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Consultation of a reproductologist

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Doctors Consultation of a reproductologist:
27experience (y.)
Atamanchuk Iryna Mykolaivna
Atamanchuk Iryna Mykolaivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Geneticist; Reproductologist; Ultrasound doctor
23experience (y.)
Shyianova Svitlana Volodymyrivna
Shyianova Svitlana Volodymyrivna
11experience (y.)
Semeniuta Illia Oleksandrovych
Semeniuta Illia Oleksandrovych
5experience (y.)
Petrovska Yuliia Oleksandrivna
Petrovska Yuliia Oleksandrivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Reproductologist
15experience (y.)
Tsyhaniuk Olha Petrivna
Tsyhaniuk Olha Petrivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Reproductologist; Ultrasound doctor
4experience (y.)
Konetsul Oleksandra Rostyslavivna
Konetsul Oleksandra Rostyslavivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Reproductologist
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