Stratosphere therapy
Massage with the Stratosphere device is aimed at:
- body sculpting
- getting rid of cellulite;
- reducing body volume;
- fight against excess weight and edema;
- improving skin tone;
- push-up effect of the buttocks;
- correction of cosmetic defects of the figure;
- relieving venous and lymphatic stagnation.
The result may vary from case to case, but it is noticeable after 1 treatment and becomes more pronounced and permanent with each subsequent treatment.
The procedure is performed using a specially developed modern technology consisting of a cylinder-manipula and 10 rows of silicone mini-spheres symmetrically placed inside the cylinder.
Stratosphere has a mechanical controlled effect on all layers of the skin. There is no stretching or damage to the skin and subcutaneous layers. The natural way (without currents, ultrasound, radio frequencies) eliminates the root causes of cellulite and loose skin (slagging of the body, stagnation of venous blood and lymph) and corrects the figure.