Information1 clinic

Lumbar spine Microdiscectomy

Microdiscectomy is a modern, minimally invasive operation on the spine, with intervertebral hernias, in which partial or complete removal of the hernial protrusion (pulpal nucleus), which frees the nerve roots from compression in the lumbar spine.

What is the technique of performing microdiscectomy?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Miniature incisions 2-3 cm long are made on the skin. Access to the lateral canal is performed by removing part of the ligament, freeing the place of exit of nerve roots. During the operation, a special microscope is used to remove an intervertebral hernia (pulpal nucleus or part of it). This allows you to carefully select all the structures that pass close to the nerve roots and remove the problem area. The intervertebral disc is in most cases treated to improve recovery and reduce the risk of recurrence of protrusions or laser hernias.

Then layer-by-layer sutures are applied to the wound and aseptic dressings.

How is the recovery period?

Within 3-5 days the patient is discharged from the clinic, the length of stay is affected by the complexity of the case. For the first 1-2 weeks you can sit for a long time and need to refrain from strenuous exercise. After 3-6 weeks, you can perform physical activity.

How do you sign up for an operation at MM Dobrobut in Kyiv?

The earlier a lumbar intervertebral hernia is diagnosed and a decision is made about surgery, the less traumatic and successful the surgery will be. This has a positive effect on the transaction price.

You can make an appointment for a consultation with our specialists by leaving an application on our website or by calling the phone number of our call center.

We will call you back and you will receive the latest and most up-to-date information in MM "Dobrobut" in Ukraine about the conduct and cost of standard microdiscectomy of the lumbar spine.


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Lumbar spine Microdiscectomy

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Doctors Lumbar spine Microdiscectomy:
33experience (y.)
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
28experience (y.)
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
Clinics providing service: