Lower jaw resection
Mandibular resection is the removal of bone fragments for medical or aesthetic reasons. This is a complex and demanding operation that can only be entrusted to the best maxillofacial surgeons. The price of a lower jaw resection depends on its type, the amount of correction, and anesthesia.
All these nuances are discussed when visiting a doctor at the Dobrobut clinic in Kyiv after a full examination of the patient.
Types of lower jaw resection
Doctors can perform these types of surgeries:
- marginal resection is an organ-preserving variant of the operation, in which the continuity of the bone is not disrupted;
- segmental resection - removal of a bone fragment, after which the reconstruction of the lower jaw with a skin-musculoskeletal flap is required;
- resection of the angles of the lower jaw - an operation to correct and harmonize facial features;
- removal of the mandibular cortex - a technique of visual narrowing of the wide jaw.
Indications and contraindications
Medical indications for resection include cancer of the mandible, large benign tumors, and fracture injuries. Recently, aesthetic surgery is gaining popularity, when, with the help of resection, doctors correct the features of the appearance and create a harmonious oval of the face.
Standard contraindications for surgery:
- fever, acute infectious diseases;
- decompensation of chronic somatic diseases;
- violation of blood clotting;
- acute psychoses.
Healing of tissues after resection of the lower jaw takes from 2-3 weeks to several months, which is determined by the volume of the operation. If necessary, the second stage is reconstruction, installation of dentures.
You can get detailed information about the prices of the examination and the cost of services, as well as sign up for a consultation with a specialist of the Dobrobut Medical Center in Kyiv by leaving a request in the feedback form on the website or by calling the call center.
List of sources, literature ↓
- Жидовинов, А. В., et al. Лечение и реабилитация пациентов с объемными дефектами нижней челюсти. Клиническая стоматология 2 (2016): 63-66
- Сикорский Д.В.Усовершенствование операций в комбинированном лечении местно-распространённого и рецидивного орофарингеального рака. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата медицинских наук. – 2015.
- Кропотов, М. А., and В. А. Соболевский. Сегментарная резекция нижней челюсти с одномоментной реконструкцией у больных злокачественными новообразованиями полости рта. Современная онкология 8.3 (2006): 12-20.