Atypical tooth extraction
Atypical tooth extraction is surgery of increased complexity, which is carried out in the treatment of teeth with multiple convoluted roots, incorrectly positioned dental units, and in other complicated situations.
During the procedure, the dentist uses a bur and other special instruments instead of the usual forceps and elevators. This allows you to remove all parts of the tooth as accurately and minimally as possible.
This technique requires a lot of experience and good professional training from the doctor, so it is very important to choose proven dental clinics.
The best specialists of Kyiv in the field of maxillofacial surgery work in the clinics of MN Dobrobut, for whom nothing is impossible.
Doctors successfully remove complex teeth, avoiding unnecessary trauma and complications.
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How is an atypical tooth extraction performed?
Any manipulation in surgical dentistry begins with a consultation, examination of the oral cavity and dentition, and X-ray diagnostics. The doctor needs to make an accurate diagnosis and determine which treatment tactics will be the best in a particular situation.
The operation for atypical tooth extraction consists of 3 main stages:
- Anesthesia. Tooth extraction can be carried out under local anesthesia when the doctor injects the drug into the soft tissue near the tooth, or under conditions of drug sleep (sedation), in which systemic drugs are used. The second method is used for patients who are afraid of pain and dental procedures, as well as when planning an extensive long-term surgery.
- Extraction (removal). Unlike simple removal, the dentist first dissects the soft tissue and bone wall to gain access to the root canals. The doctor then carefully saws the tooth and removes all of its fragments. For ease of manipulation, the doctor uses excavators, drills, and additional tools.
- Wound treatment. After removing all the fragments of the tooth, the doctor rinses the wound with antiseptics, puts the necessary medicines into the cavity. Then the dentist sutures the periosteum and gingival mucosa.
Atypical tooth extraction takes from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the amount of work. It can be carried out both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting if the patient's condition requires it.
Dentists resort to complex tooth extraction in such situations:
- impacted (unerupted teeth) - dental units are located in the thickness of the jaw bone, cause pain and inflammation, but cannot go out on their own;
- semi-uretinated (partially erupted) teeth - a more favorable variant of retentions, which, however, does not make it possible to carry out simple tooth extraction with forceps;
- dystopic teeth - individual teeth are located incorrectly or completely go beyond the limits of the dentition;
- wisdom teeth ("eight"), which have several convoluted roots;
- extensive purulent-inflammatory processes around the affected tooth;
- excessive fragility of the dental crown, which makes it impossible to pull it out with forceps.
Whether it is necessary to carry out an atypical removal, the doctor decides on an individual basis during the initial examination.
Before visiting the clinic, it is impossible to say what kind of manipulation the patient will need.
Most of the restrictions on the operation are relative - i.e. planned surgical treatment can be carried out later after special preparation and stabilization of the patient's condition.
The main contraindications:
- acute respiratory infections and other dangerous infectious diseases;
- period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;
- severe bleeding disorders;
- period of exacerbation of mental illness;
- severe systemic allergic diseases.
After atypical tooth extraction, it will take 1-2 months for the tissues to heal completely. At this time, the patient will need to be especially careful to carry out oral hygiene, to avoid accidental injury to the operation site with a toothbrush, hard food, or tongue. In the first 5-7 days after tooth extraction, it is recommended to carry out oral baths with antiseptic solutions to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and accelerate healing.
Doctors of the MN Dobrobut clinics carry out different types of atypical tooth extraction in Kyiv for any dental diseases and aggravating factors. Dentists will help you get rid of the pain as quickly as possible and prevent dangerous complications.
The prices for tooth extraction in our clinic are affordable for patients and fully correspond to the quality of the services provided.
To make an appointment with a doctor or find out the cost of services, leave a request in the feedback form on the page or call us at the call center.
List of sources, literature ↓
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- Пархимович, Н. П.Осложнения операции атипичного удаления зуба мудрости. (2011).
- Соловьев М.М. Пропедевтика хирургической стоматологии: Учебное пособие.– М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2007. – С. 105-108.
- Харьков Л.В., Яковенко Л.Н., Кава Т.В. Справочник хирурга-стоматолога. – М.: Книга плюс, 2002. – С. 40-43.