Causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Treatment of impotence of different types

Causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Treatment of impotence of different types

Causes and treatment of impotence in men

Impotence in men is a pathology based on erectile dysfunction. This means that the penis cannot get an erection for some reason. Treatment of impotence in men is a difficult, lengthy process, which begins with finding out the cause of the development of such a pathological condition.

Causes of impotence in men

There are many factors that can lead to impaired potency in men. They can be evidence of pathological processes in the patient's body or represent a separate disease. Doctors identify the following causes of erectile dysfunction:

  1. Psychological problems. We are talking about the problems of a man's perception of himself, his environment, and the opposite sex. Often, psychogenic impotence develops after unsuccessful sexual relations, when the partner tells the man about his dubious abilities.
  2. Excessive physical overstrain. If a man puts too much effort into physical labor, then lack of potency is a natural phenomenon. As a rule, after a good rest, the problem disappears.
  3. Neurological disorders. We are talking about pathological erectile dysfunction in men - spinal cord diseases, brain pathology, which develop after injuries and lead to a loss of the ability of the penis to erect.
  4. Diabetes mellitus and obesity. These diseases are endocrine diseases, that is, they are related to disorders of the body's hormonal background. Improper production of hormones leads to problems with potency.
  5. Injuries to the male genital organs. How to cure impotence in this case is determined by a medical consultation - surgeons, urologists, and andrologists give advice.
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Most often, men are diagnosed with psychological impotence. It can manifest itself at 100% when a man feels attracted to the opposite sex, but the penis does not respond to external stimuli. And there are cases when a man has mild erectile dysfunction - its treatment is much easier and faster than in the first case.

It should be noted that psychogenic erectile dysfunction in men is often characterized by its sudden and unpredictable onset. In some cases, such a failure is a temporary phenomenon; after a certain time, the functioning of the penis is restored without the use of drugs and the involvement of narrow specialists.

How to treat impotence

In some cases, it is very difficult to cure impotence, especially in the case of erectile dysfunction that is of organic origin, i.e., pathological. However, the treatment of mental impotence is usually not difficult - it is enough to undergo a course of sessions with a psychologist, to find out the true cause of impaired potency. Many men make the treatment of inorganic impotence quite difficult because they themselves violate the basic rules for restoring erectile ability:

  • take specific medications not prescribed by a doctor;
  • refuse to seek qualified medical care;
  • do not attempt sexual intercourse after the first failure;
  • consume large amounts of alcohol, fatty/smoked foods.

Such reckless behavior can lead to male infertility, which can be really difficult to treat. What you need to do to get rid of psychogenic impotence

  • Adjust your daily routine - get enough rest at night, avoid watching arousing movies before going to bed, reading “heavy” books, and not going to nightclubs;
  • establish a proper diet - food should be nourishing, high in calories, high in proteins and vitamins;
  • visit a sexologist-psychologist alone or with a partner - a specialist will help you get rid of the fear of failure during sexual intercourse.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction in diabetes mellitus, even if it has a psychogenic etiology, should not be carried out without consulting an endocrinologist - the daily routine and diet will be made individually.

If male infertility was previously diagnosed and the patient complained of a lack or severe decrease in potency, then it is necessary to undergo an additional examination to link or differentiate these pathological conditions.

Treatment of male infertility with impotence

Infertility does not necessarily develop with impotence, although this variant of the pathology should not be ruled out. Treatment of male infertility with existing impotence begins with the work of a psychologist - if the patient is diagnosed with a psychogenic type of impotence, he finds out the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Many men try to solve the problem on their own, but this is inappropriate. There are many methods to restore erectile function. Impotence treatment in Kyiv can be done in our clinic, and information about it can be found on our website:

Related services:
Urologist consultation
Urological check-up

Updated: 26.03.2025
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