Neurosonography of the brain in newborns - indications for conducting, decoding standards

Neurosonography of the brain in newborns - indications for conducting, decoding standards

Neurosonography of the brain in newborns

Neurosonography (ultrasound) of the brain is an examination performed in early infancy, when the baby's fontanel has not yet closed. This is one of the safest examination methods, but it should be performed only as prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that neurosonography of an infant is performed by exposure to ultrasound waves that emit heat, although no negative effects of the procedure have been identified to date.

This examination is performed within 10 minutes, it is absolutely painless, but it can save not only the baby's health, but also his or her life. More detailed information about the procedure itself and where to make neurosonography for a child can be found on our website:

Indications for the procedure

Neurosonography of the newborn brain can be prescribed in the following pathological conditions of the infant

  • newborn asphyxia
  • detection of fetal pathology during pregnancy
  • birth injuries of newborns
  • fetal hypoxia
  • Rh conflict
  • prolapse or protrusion of the fossa in infants
  • cesarean section
  • premature birth of a child
  • suspected chromosomal pathologies
  • infectious diseases of the mother during gestation
  • difficult labor

At the age of 1 month, neurosonography in children is performed in case of

  • developmental delay of psychomotor skills
  • cerebral ischemia
  • disorders of the central nervous system due to a viral disease
  • genetic anomalies of development
  • pathologies of the central nervous system
  • suspected cerebral palsy and/or strabismus
  • congenital Apert syndrome
  • sepsis
  • suspected hydrocephalus, when the head circumference does not correspond to the norm
  • hyperactivity syndrome
  • rickets of the head and body
  • suspected tumor or cyst

The procedure and results are normal

No special preparation for neurosonography is required, the only thing parents should pay attention to is that the child should not be hungry or thirsty. If the baby has fallen asleep, you should not wake him/her up, sleep is even welcomed, as it will make it easier to ensure head immobility.

Transcranial neurosonography is considered to be a rather complicated examination, so a specialist should conduct it and interpret the results. Interpretation of the examination data is a description of certain structures, their symmetry and tissue echogenicity. The doctor should describe:

  • visualization of furrows and gyrus (normally, they should be clearly visualized)
  • homogeneity/homogeneity, asymmetry/symmetry of the ventricles
  • condition of brain structures (symmetrical / asymmetrical)
  • state of the cerebellar tent
  • absence/presence of neoplasms (cyst, tumor, abnormalities, hematomas, fluid)
  • shape and location of cerebellar structures
  • condition of the cerebral sickle
  • condition of vascular bundles.

A clearly defined norm of neurosonography by months helps doctors to detect pathology of the brain and central nervous system in a timely manner, which automatically makes its treatment quite realistic.

What neurosonography reveals

The price of neurosonography of an infant is quite adequate, so this type of examination is available to all segments of the population. Such examination of the brain allows to detect a lot of pathologies, which, with timely and competent treatment, are not dangerous for the child.

Neurosonography helps to diagnose and classify:

  1. Subependymal cysts. Structures containing fluid are formed as a result of hemorrhage and can be prenatal or postpartum. Such cysts can increase in size, so they require observation and, in some cases, treatment.
  2. Hydrocephalus of the brain. A pathological lesion characterized by the expansion of the ventricles of the brain and the accumulation of fluid in them. Hydrocephalus requires observation and treatment.
  3. Hematomas of brain tissue. They are diagnosed, as a rule, in premature babies. If such hemorrhages are present in a full-term baby, then this is an alarming symptom that requires additional examination and mandatory treatment.
  4. Hypertensive syndrome. This is a very disturbing syndrome that means an increase in intracranial pressure. It indicates a displacement of one of the hemispheres, and can occur in both full-term and premature babies.

In addition, the specialized center uses neurosonography to diagnose arachnoid cysts (spider membranes), ischemic lesions, and neoplasms of the choroid plexus.

The examination can be authorized by a pediatrician at the maternity hospital and a neurologist at a pediatric clinic in the first month of a child's life. Further, neurosonography is performed according to indications at three months and six months of age.

Related services:
Consultation of a pediatrician

Updated: 26.03.2025
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